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Member Details

How to use plinth to view and edit a person's details

Tom Neill avatar
Written by Tom Neill
Updated over a year ago

Every person you work with on plinth gets their own "Member Page". This page has all their personal details and a full history of their interactions with your organisation.

It looks a bit like this:

On the left hand side, you can see a person's personal details (e.g. their email address, phone number, postcode etc). If you click on any of the values, it will automatically copy it to your clipboard so you can easily paste it into a document or email if necessary.

As well as the personal details, there are more details in the "Insights Fields" and "Tags" sections:

Below that, there are details about the person's location, which is automatically calculated from the postcode:

If you want to edit any of these values, you can click either the "Edit Data" button (in blue) or click one of the pencil icons next to any of the values. This opens a popup where you can edit any of the details:

This popup will show all the fields you use across your members on plinth. You can add, remove or customise these fields using our "Schema Builder" page (you can get there by clicking the "Customise" button). Depending on the type of field, you will different methods of entering information:

  • Free text

  • Selecting from a list

  • Entering a postcode

  • Entering a date

  • Add a number

  • A Yes/No checkbox

Once you're happy with any changes you've made, you can click "Save member details". If everything worked OK, you should get a "Updated" message at the top of the screen.

Once you've made change, this will be stored in the Audit Log. If you click the "History" button, you can see a history of these changes:

Clicking the button on the right "Revert to before this change" allows you to undo any changes you've made.

If you want to delete a member altogether, you can click the "Delete" button in the top right of the page. You'll always get a confirmation popup before anything happens, so you don't have to worry about clicking this button by accident:

This popup will give you 2 options, either:

  • Delete the personal data - leaving behind some statistics about the person (this is the default). This is useful if a member leaves your organisation or passes away.

  • "Delete everything". To do this, you will need to type "Delete everything" into the text box before you can proceed. This is useful if this member was created by accident.

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