As well as managing and taking bookings for activities or events (like a Lunch club or a Youth Club session), you can also manage your venues on Plinth.
To get started, you'll need to add a "Venue". This can be a building, a room or another location that you manage. You can do that from the settings page, from the calendar page, or when you're creating an event. When you click the add a new venue button, you'll get a popup that looks like this:
If you fill in all the details you have (you'll need a name and a postcode at the minimum), then click "OK", this will save your new venue.
Adding Opening Hours
The third section on this popup is for "Opening Hours". This is useful if you want to fill a venue throughout a day by booking up different slots with different activities you're running.
You can set these opening hours by dragging the times you're open:
Once you've done that and clicked "OK", you'll be able to see these opening hours on the calendar.
To see them, you'll need to:
Go to the calendar page
Select a venue
Switch to "week" or "day" view
You should then see a page that looks a bit like this:
Here, we're showing the opening hours for the "Garden" venue, and showing you all the activities that are set to happen. This gives you an easy way to see when the venue is free for potential new sessions.
Taking bookings for these venues
Very soon, you will be able to publish these opening hours on your Plinth page. This will let people see when is available to book and request a booking (either one-off or a block booking).
We'll keep you updated with when this will be available, but if you would like to be part of the first test group, please let us know.