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How to use "Bookings Report" in HAF
How to use "Bookings Report" in HAF

How to look at data and create reports from bookings and attendance

Jess O'Neill avatar
Written by Jess O'Neill
Updated over 6 months ago

On the "Bookings Report" tab, you can find an easy way to pull reports to read and analyse data from events which have taken place. This can be useful for an array of reasons, such as looking at the total number of attendances or bookings.

Once you have clicked on the "Bookings Report" tab in the left-hand bar, you will be taken to a page which looks like this:

Here, you can select whether you are reporting on "Bookings" or "Attendances".


Here, you can look at data specifically to members volunteers and partners:

"Filters", "Group By" and "Show me"

The bookings and attendances have similar filters and groupings

The "Filters" section allows you to apply an input of the data you would like to see (e.g. a specific time bracket).

The "Group by" section groups the data into specific groups.

The "Show me" section shows the data you want to see, relevant to the filters and groupings.

Below, are several example filters and groupings of what will pop down:

Filters - Filters out data which is not needed


Organisations - You can select a specific organisation's data to look at

Date Filter - You can choose a specific time window

Admin -

Tags - You can use this to look at one specific tag's data

Venues - You can use this to see the data related to one or more venues

Outcomes - This is explained here

Attending - Means they haven't cancelled their booking

Attended? - Were they registered as having attended?

Geographic - This is relating to where the person lives (not where session happened).


Local Authority


These are the default filters

Age - You can use this to see the data for specific age brackets.

Ethnicity - This shows data for specific ethnicities

Gender - This shows data for a specific gender

Employment - You can use this to look at data specific to employment type

Other Fields to might set up will show here (e.g. For a HAF program, you may set up the following):

Approved as Eligible - You can use this to look at data for those approved as Eligible

Primary/Secondary - You can choose this if you want to see if a child is in primary or secondary school, or further education.

Free School Meals - This can be used if you would like to see data specific to children on free school meals

School - If you would like data from a specific school, this can be found here.

Relationship to Child - This filters information on who books the events for the child

SEND - This is used to see which children with SEND have attended events, for example.

Group By - Provides a list specific to the below filters


Organisations - This shows a list of organisations applied to the filters

Event - This organises the data into events taking place

Individual - This gives a list of individual members

Attending? - This shows who is listed to be attending events

Attended? - This shows whether or not someone attended an event (TRUE or FALSE)

Admin - The user that added the information (this may not work for this field)

Venues - This groups by the venues

Outcomes -

Tags - This shows a list of the tags

Time & Date

You can break the data up by Month, Year, Week or Day


These are the Default filters

Age - Breaks down groupings into age brackets

Ethnicity - This shows data for specific ethnicities

Gender - This shows data for a specific gender

Employment - You can use this to look at data specific to employment type

Other Fields to might set up will show here (e.g. For a HAF program, you may set up the following):

Approved As Eligible - Yes & No rows appear, easy to compare the total unique users

Primary/Secondary - which sector of education the child is in

Free School Meals - Whether the child is on free school meals of not

School - This can be used to see the distribution of the number of children from each school attending events for example.

Relationship to Child


Geographic - The location's of where the person lives (not where the session takes place)



Local Authority

Show Me - The data you want to find out


Unique Users - Shows the number of unique users applied to the filters.

Unique Events - Shows the number of unique events applied to the filter.

Hours - You can see the number of hours logged (e.g. for each organisation).

Bookings - This can be used to look at the number of bookings made (e.g. per organisation).

Cumulative Count

Data Presentation

Here you can view the data in different ways, such as a table, heat map, bar graph, stacked bar graph, pie chart and line graph. These function depending on the filters you use (e.g. general data may not work for the heatmap, instead the geographical data will):

Exporting Data

Finally, you can also export data to an XSL document:

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