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How to use Plugzio without the activation steps

If you are the sole user of a Plugzio device, Single User Auto-Start will allow you to use that device without activating every time.

Florian Remi avatar
Written by Florian Remi
Updated over 6 months ago

Plugzio devices are designed to be able to bill users fairly for the electricity they use and to allow device managers to get compensated for providing the service, infrastructure, and electricity.

In public parking, where multiple users have access to publicly shared Plugzio devices, activation and authentication by users are a must if users want to be billed fairly. However, activation may not always be necessary in scenarios like private resident parking, where Plugzio devices may only have a single user. In a single-user scenario, we understand that constant activation and authentication may not be desired.

What Is "Single User Auto-Start"?

Single User Auto-Start is a feature that allows the sole authenticated user to start Plugzio sessions without having to activate the device from their user dashboard. Sessions are initiated when plugged into the Plugzio device and start charging. This allows device managers to track consumption and regulate billing while removing the need for manual activation for the user.

When using this feature, there are a few things that both Plugzio users and managers should be aware of:

As A User Using Auto-Start

  • With easy access comes less security - Enabling sessions to automatically start means that the user will be responsible for and billed for any and all consumption on this device without the user's authentication. This means that anyone can plug in at your expense.

  • Accepting The Manager's Payment Plan - Enabling this feature means the user automatically accepts any payment plan rates set by the device manager. It is the user's responsibility to follow up with the device manager regarding rates and payments.

  • Stopping A Session - The user will still have the ability to stop sessions remotely. Stopping a session will require the user to manually start a session from the user dashboard

As A Manager Enabling Auto-Start

  • Enabling this feature may lead to slight inaccuracy when small loads are connected.

  • It is strongly advised that the manager makes sure the user understands the risk and benefits of allowing sessions to auto-start before enabling this feature for the user.

  • It is strongly advised that the manager and users agree on a payment plan for the device.

For more information on how to set up or use the single-user auto-start feature, refer to the following articles:

​Need help with anything else? Contact the Plugzio customer care team to have a chat with one of the specialists and discuss your concerns.

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