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Plugzio Hardware
How can I estimate the cost of the Plugzio installation?
You have a single gang outlet? How to install Plugzio on top of it
No WiFi coverage in the location? Plugzio still has a way!
Does Plugzio offer pedestals/poles for outdoor installations?
Do cellular signal boosters work with Plugzio?
What is included with the Plugzio Extenders (Access Point)?
On-Site Assessment Requirements For The Electrician
Installation Checklist
Plugzio Universal+ Installation Manual
Plugzio Cando Installation Manual
How to configure a router or extender to Plugzio WiFi devices
Plugzio load balancing and plug removal
What is included with the
Plugzio cellular modem?
Plugzio Cando Cellular Troubleshooting (SIM Card and Antenna)
How do I reboot my Plugzio Cando?
How do I reboot my Plugzio Universal+?