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How can I visualize my data in Polar?
How can I visualize my data in Polar?

This article describes how you can leverage data visualization in Polar within your Key Indicators dashboard.

Abby Garland avatar
Written by Abby Garland
Updated over a week ago

Key Indicator Charts

Within your Key Indicators dashboard, you can leverage charts to visualize each of your metrics and how they shift over time. You can enable these visualizations by toggling the "Show chart" option at the top of your Key Indicator dashboard.

Once you've enabled the charts, you'll see individual trend lines for each of your metrics within your Key Indicators dashboard, giving you more insight into how you're performing in a time period compared with your Targets.

A few notes to keep in mind regarding Key Indicator Visualizations:

  • The dates included in these trend lines match exactly with the date range you have set in the top righthand corner of your dashboard.

  • The dotted line signifies the time period you're comparing against (either the previous period or previous year, depending on what you have set in your date range).

  • The color of the line is based on how it compares to your Target in the overall range (so it can vary day to day, but will be green if your overall number for the range is above the Target).

Custom Report Charts

You can visualize your data in a Polar Custom Report to analyze changes over time using the Charts feature. Once you've added metrics into your Custom Report, you can select the "Charts" option to see line graphs of your metrics over time. These graphs will expand as you expand your date range to see more data.

You can add as many metrics as you'd like within a Custom Chart. The space at the bottom of the graph will show you the key of which metric is associated with each colored line. Hover over a date point to see a pop-up with the totals for each metric.

The date points visualized will be impacted by the date range you have set. For example, breaking down your data "By Day" will show you individual days on your x-axis. Breaking down the data "By Month" will show you date points based on the first day of each month.

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