Proofig AI has been trained on thousands of real and synthetic images spanning a wide range of imaging modalities in the life sciences. Below is a representative list of the major categories of images we’ve covered. It is not an exhaustive inventory, but rather a snapshot of the most common cases in which Proofig AI excels at detecting AI-generated content.
1. Fluorescence & Confocal Microscopy
Multi-channel or single-channel fluorescence images of cells, microbes or tissues, covering variations in labeling methods, and confocal z-stacks.
2. Immunohistochemical (IHC) Staining
Tissue sections with brown chromogenic labeling (e.g., DAB) and counterstains, spanning numerous tissue types and staining protocols for robust detection.
3. Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) Staining
Routine histopathological slides in pink-purple hues, including a wide variety of tissue sections from standard H&E stains.
4. Cell Culture Plates
Images showing cell growth, confluence, or colony formation in Petri dishes or multi-well plates, incorporating different cell lines and culture conditions.
5. Wound Healing (Scratch) Assays
Time-lapse or endpoint images of “scratch” closures in a cell monolayer, encompassing various cell types and magnifications.
6. Histological Tissue Samples
General tissue cross-sections (brightfield microscopy) not limited to a single stain type, trained on a broad range of tissues including normal and pathological samples.
7. Electron Microscopy (EM)
Transmission (TEM) or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images highlighting cellular or subcellular details, with varying resolutions from organelle-level ultrastructure to surface morphology.
8. X-ray Imaging
Radiographs showing skeletal structures.
9. CT/MRI Scans
Cross-sectional slices of organs or tissues in clinical or research contexts, including a smaller but expanding dataset for detecting synthetic anomalies in medical scans.
10. Bioluminescence & CCD Imaging
Imaging of luminescent signals (e.g., luciferase) in animal models, with coverage for varied signal intensities, time points, and experimental conditions.
Important Reminder
These ten categories are only a subset of the comprehensive training dataset behind Proofig AI. We incorporate numerous subtypes, stains, imaging conditions, and biological variations to ensure robust detection. Because AI-generated content is constantly evolving, Proofig AI actively updates and expands its training scope to maintain cutting-edge accuracy.
If you have questions about other imaging techniques or specific use cases, please contact us at We’re happy to discuss your particular needs and how Proofig AI can help safeguard the integrity of your research images.
Representative Image Collage
Representative Image Collage
Below is a collage showcasing various AI-generated images that represent some of the categories described above. These fall within the current detection capabilities of Proofig AI.
To learn more or discuss your specific needs, please contact us. We’re here to help you maintain the highest standards of image integrity.