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Sendcloud Integration

How to connect Sendcloud with PULPO WMS

Johann Sonnenberger avatar
Written by Johann Sonnenberger
Updated over 11 months ago

Preset: a fully configured Sendcloud Account
For questions on that please contact the Sendcloud-Support.

Setup Integration

  1. Login to Sendcloud

  2. Open Settings(1):

  3. Select Integrations (1)

  4. Find the PULPO WMS integration and click Connect (1)

  5. Enter the following data in the Pulpo WMS settings:

    1. Name (1): Choose any name for the integration

    2. Username/ Instance URL Prefix (2):
      A user created in PULPO WMS must be entered here in this format:
      Test instance: tenant_username/eu-show
      Live instance: tenant_username/eu

  6. Password (3): Password of the PULPO WMS user

  7. Click Connect to save the configuration (Click Save to update).

  8. In the following window, click on Go to configuration:

  9. A new tab opens, where the following data must be checked and added::

    1. Under (1) the correct bearing from PULPO WMS should be displayed.

    2. Under (2) you can select if the box type information is to be provided in the checkout delivery method.

    3. Since some shipping service providers require a telephone contact for the sender, a telephone number should be entered under (3).

    4. There is an option allowing to skip printing the shipping labels if the label template is an Unstamped letter. Some customers are using this setting in case their shipping provider is not integrated to sendcloud to avoid printing empty labels. (4)

      Activate the corresponding checkbox if required.

    5. There is an option to configure the set of information to be sent to customs (5):

      1. Shipment type

      2. Country of origin

      3. HS code

      4. Export type

    6. If you have a 3PL setup enabled, you can define the Merchant IDs that will leverage the Sendloud integration. Webhooks will be registered for the corresponding Merchant IDs only. (6)

    7. Save (7).

  10. A new webhook is now registered in PULPO WMS under Webhooks.

Each time an attempt is made to create a shipping label, the webhook of type packing_box_closed is called. The calls can also be found under the menu item Webhooks under the tab Webhooklogs. A webhook with the status "200" could successfully connect to Sendcloud. If the status is "500", no connection with Sendcloud is possible.

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