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Turbo Label Picking

This article describes how to create picking tasks of type turbo label

Johann Sonnenberger avatar
Written by Johann Sonnenberger
Updated over a week ago

Picking tasks of type Turbo Label allow the creation of shipping labels for products during the picking process. This allows to reduce overall handling time for products that do not require additional packaging.

A prerequisite for this functionality is a working integration with a system that generates shipping labels, e.g. an ERP system or a shipping label provider.

To activate Turbo Labels go to the menu item Setting and activate the option Turbo Labels in the submenu Orders and Picking of the Outgoing tab.

To activate the turbo label printing from your mobile carry printer, please use the "Parallel_packing_boxes" option.
The "sequential_sales_orders" option is used for Plentymarkets integration where the user can only fetch labels on the order level.

The functionality for the Pre-fetching of labels is described in this article.

Note: Since products that were picked via Turbo Labels do not require further packaging it is recommended to allow the skipping of the packing process. See here how to activate that setting.

Once the setting is activated pickings of type Turbo Labels (1) can be created using the button CREATE PICKINGS. In that case, the shipping labels for each product are downloaded from the connected system.

Note: Since for every single product a label is downloaded this can take several minutes, depending on the total number of products.

Once the labels and picking tasks have been created they are displayed. In case a label could not be retrieved the creation process will be aborted with a corresponding message. In that case, the picking tasks will not be created.

The picking task can now be processed in the PULPO WMS Android App. The picking task is of type Turbo Label.

After picking of each product, the screen to print the corresponding shipping label is displayed:

After printing the label the following query is displayed.

  • If this request is answered with CANCEL PULPO WMS will store this information and request to print that label at the end of the picking process.

  • If answered with OK the products can be placed in a shipping position after the picking is completed.

In case CANCEL was selected above the products for which labels still need to be printed will be indicated by the missing check mark at the end of the picking task.

After labels have been printed for those products the picking task can be finished.

In the case of a batch picking, the validation needs to be done for every single order:

After confirming that all labels are printed the products can be placed on a packing or shipping position - depending on which option is activated.

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