Except for the "normal" movement tasks, the users are able to use the different fast picking and storing options in the manual movements.
Collecting: TAKE ALL
The TAKE ALL button in manually created movement tasks allows you to immediately pick all the products from a certain position without scanning the barcodes and batches.
After taking all the products, the user is able to finish the collection of the products or scan the next position and pick the products there.
Collecting: TURBO collection
In the manual movement, the users are able to user the turbo collection functionality very similar to the Turbo Scan in the incmoing goods.
If the user clicks the TURBO button, and scans a source position for the movement task, he will see the list of products located in this position. After that, the user can start scanning products, their batches and serials.
Scanning a none-type product:
Scanning a none-type products adds 1 to the quantity of this product
Scanning a serial-type product:
Scanning a serial-type product barcode opens a list with the serials located on this rack where the user can select (or scan) required serials
Scanning a serial number barcode immediately adds 1 to the quantity of the related product
Scanning a lot-type product:
Scanning a lot-type product barcode opens a list with the lots located on this rack where the user can select (or scan) required lots and quantities
Scanning a lot barcode immediately adds 1 to the quantity of the related product
After taking the required items from the position, the user is able to finish collecting the items or jump to the next position.
Storing: Store all in one position
Like with the TAKE ALL button, you are able to store all the products on hand in a single position with only a couple of clicks by using the STORE ALL IN ONE POSITION button
After clicking it, you will only need to select the destination location and confirm the movement.
PULPO WMS loves helping you improve the efficiency of your warehouse operations. With these enhancements, you are able to move a full rack of products to a new location in just 9 clicks! We counted!