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TRENDS: Custom Search Operator Guide
TRENDS: Custom Search Operator Guide


Dominick DiCesare avatar
Written by Dominick DiCesare
Updated over a week ago

List of operators that Pulsar supports for TRENDS Custom (Historical) Searches:

  1. The OR operator

For example: "Orange Juice" OR "Apple Juice"

Will find mentions of 'Orange Juice' or mentions of 'Apple Juice' in any Tweet within the time range you are querying for.

2. The AND operator
For example: Orange Juice

Will find mentions of 'Orange' and 'Juice' in the same Tweet within the time range you are querying for.

3. The NOT operator

For example: Orange AND NOT Juice

Will exclude any mentions including the word 'juice' in any Tweet within the date range and linked to the other string of keywords being queried for. i.e. All of 'orange' AND NOT 'juice'

4. "" (quotes) Phrases operator

For example: "Orange Juice"

Will find mentions of the exact phrase 'Orange Juice' in any Tweet within the time range you are querying for.

5. The # operator

For example: #OrangeJuice

Will find mentions containing the hashtag #OrangeJuice in any Tweet within the time range you are querying for.

NB - If the # operator is not used for hashtags, irrelevant mentions will be pulled back as all mentions of "OrangeJuice" will be matched.

6. The @ operator
For example: @Orange 

Will find X mentions containing reference to the @Orange X handle within the time range you are querying for.

NB - If the @ mentions operator doesn't get used used, all mentions of "orange" will be retrieved from X (including irrelevant mentions such as "I ate an orange").

7. The Proximity operator ~ (tilde) 

For example:  "orange juice"~6

Will filter for any X mentions that contain the keywords orange and juice within a certain number of words near to each other. 

NB - This is limited to 6 words. 

8. Brackets ( ) or Parenthesis

For example: Blue AND (Juice OR Sauce)

Will filter for mentions of 'blue' and 'juice' in your results OR mentions of 'blue' and 'sauce' within your results. 

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