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13 Improvements Now Available on Pulsar
13 Improvements Now Available on Pulsar


Linda Maruta avatar
Written by Linda Maruta
Updated over a week ago

Today, we’re sharing with you 13 new improvements that will help make your experience on our platform richer and more insightful. All of these ideas came directly from you! That's right, we keep a close eye on Collaborate for your feedback on what you love about Pulsar, and what you’d like us to improve.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in. 

1. Compare your performance seasonally on CORE

Comparing your performance to that of competitors is great, but sometimes you just want to see how you’re doing compared to last week, last month, or even last year! Are you hitting highs and lows in the same places? Are you on track to beat last quarter’s performance?

We’ve always provided this data in our dials beneath the charts, but now you can see it imprinted right into the graph. No matter what time period you’re covering, all you have to do is click the little calendar button on the top right corner and you’ll be able to compare to the previous time period. This is available in both the Audience and Content line charts.

2. Use your saved filters in Custom Dashboards on TRAC

We know you love the Custom Dashboards & Reporting feature on TRAC. So we’re doubling down with a very early Spring surprise: the option to apply a saved filter to your Custom Dashboard. 

Maybe you have a great idea for a filter you want to use across multiple dashboards, or maybe you had the perfect filter prior to even making a dashboard and you really don’t want to create it again from scratch. Saved Filters for Custom Dashboards scratches that itch in a way not even science can explain. 

3. Exclusions in TRAC filters

Filters are useful, but sometimes you want to filter something out as much as you want to keep other things in. So we’ve added exclusions to Tags and Cities to give you greater flexibility on how to customize your filters. 

4. Exclusions in CORE filters

Tags happen to be very popular on CORE, so we went ahead and added the exclude tag option there too! Just like on TRAC, you can tell you’re excluding when you see the minus symbol, as shown above. 

5. Easier date selection on both CORE and TRAC

Sometimes a search can have valuable data over the course of years, and having to click all the way back to February of 2012 month by month can really put an ache in the wrist.  So to make things a little more efficient, we placed a few nice drop-downs atop the calendars on both CORE and TRAC, letting you select the month and year with nothing but a few clicks! Gone are the days of mouse-spamming to reach that long-forgotten month of the last decade!

6. A simpler way to add Brandsets on CORE

Scrolling!? That’s so ancient. Brandsets on CORE can now be added from the top of the page. If you’re familiar with creating searches on TRAC, you’ll warm quickly to the green plus icon in the top left, allowing you to quickly add Brandsets to your platform.

7. A new name for Audience Search: Panels

Audience search, Audience tab, Audiense… We use the word Audience A LOT, so to avoid any more confusion, we’ve renamed the Audience Search to Panels. This name is quite apt, since you’re always looking at a panel, be it a panel of authors, a panel of pages, or a panel of profiles.

And now get ready for a load of improvements to our Exporting capabilities… 

8. Filter details now available on TRAC exports

We get it; sometimes you’re on your 14th export on your Gin search and you just can’t remember if this dataset was the one about weird mix-ins for gin, or the one about people who drink gin in the movies. So in excel exports across TRAC, we added a little section above your data that lets you know what kind of filters you had on that search! 

9. Top Posts on CORE now exportable when in Compare mode

Located conveniently where the export icon is, there is now a way to export the side-by-side comparison of top posts into whatever presentation you may need it for.

10. Industry average now available in CORE exports

CORE exports now feature the industry average that appears on so many of your graphs. Share away. 

11. Post hyperlinks are now available in CORE exports

Speaking of exports on CORE, posts exported into excel will now also have their respective hyperlinks so you can go right from your export to any post that interests you on the web.

12. An easier way to identify brands and profiles in Brandset export 

Okay last export update! Say you’re working on a big brandset with all of your owned brands, and each brand is for a different country. We let you name the brand however you want. But your profiles? Well, they might all be the same name! That makes it hard to distinguish which post came from which brand profile; so in our exports, we’ve now added a Brand column to make this easy to read. 

13. And lastly, a gentle reminder

A new Pulsar API v3 is now available. If you are a current Pulsar API user, you'd have received an email to migrate to the new API by March 23rd. If you don't have API access and are interested, now’s the perfect time to get in. You can check out our API docs HERE.

That’s it for now, folks!

P.S  Have a suggestion you don’t see here? Submit your idea on Collaborate and next time you'll be reading about it in one of our regular updates. 

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