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First Party Data FAQ

Frequently asked questions about First Party Data.

Nirain Patel avatar
Written by Nirain Patel
Updated over a week ago

Pulsar's first party data source allows you to upload any data you want to the platform and get the same great analysis you love across all of it. here are a few questions you might have relating to first party data. For a more general overview of FPD, check out the what's new article below:

Q: How do I upload First Party Data?

A: There are two methods to uploading first party data; the Pusher API, and the CSV Uploader. Documentation for the Pusher API can be found here. A CSV uploader walkthrough can be found here.

Q: Where is the CSV Uploader?

A: You can find the uploader on your search settings page. If you haven't already, you'll need to add "First Party Data" as a data source in the search setup. You can go back and edit by checking out the appropriate section in search settings here.

Q: What format files can I upload?

A: The uploader will only accept .CSV (UTF-8) files. This file format can be created via Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets & Apple Numbers

Q: Does First Party Data consume my monthly allowance?

A: Whilst the feature is in Beta it will not count against your monthly allowance. However, once it's fully released it will consume some of your monthly allowance. Please reach out to your account managers to learn more

Q: Once data is uploaded into the platform how long will it take for it to come through?

A: You should start seeing data feeding into your results within 1 minute, however it can take longer based on how big the dataset is. If after 15 minutes you haven’t seen any data, then please contact support via Intercom so the team can investigate.

Q: How are duplicates handled?

A: When uploading data to the platform the unique content ID will be saved against the search. If you upload the same piece of data to the search again the platform will automatically update any piece of data which has a matching ID.

Q: How can I remove First Party Data from a search?

A: First Party Data can be removed from a search via the results tab. Once on the results tab you’ll need to filter for your data via the filter panel in the top right hand corner (date selector). Then select the posts you wish to remove and click on the trash icon. See TRAC: Deleting Posts Walkthrough for more information.

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