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TV, Radio, and Podcasts on Pulsar with all-new Broadcast Data
TV, Radio, and Podcasts on Pulsar with all-new Broadcast Data


Dominick DiCesare avatar
Written by Dominick DiCesare
Updated over a week ago

Pulsar is bringing you 3 new data sources with our all-new Global Broadcast data on the platform: TV, Radio, and Podcasts.

Whether you're a PR pro looking to champion your brand across the live media sphere or a social analyst connecting Twitter trends to TV talk-shows, Pulsar's latest release is sure to give you a whole new way of looking at so-called legacy media.

Broadcast data will be available for both Topics and Panel searches, giving you the option to look for your subject by name, or monitor specific channels across TV and Radio. With all of this new data also comes a new way of analyzing and sharing it, including an in-platform media player to customize clips and download them as you wish, with options to share via email or link directly, bypassing all that file nonsense!

Broadcast data lets you look at the broadcast itself, split into convenient segments and only returning the segments that match your query, while also letting you get a look at the bigger picture presented in the content, with a convenient transcription of all audio so you don't always have to listen in to find where the important bits are.

As you can see above, the web player lets you select the mentioned segment and choose to extend or contract the clip appropriate to your need so you can get the full segment you're looking for. After doing this, you can choose to export this clip by download, email, or keep an archive live online.

Run your search in real-time, maintaining the full video content for up to 60 days after the content was aired, or run a historic for up to two years in the past to pull transcriptions from shows aired long ago! When historic data is collected from between 60 days and 2 years ago, or any of your previously collected data has become older than 60 days, the video player will no longer be available, but the transcript from that clip will remain with you for as long as you have the search!

And of course, you get all of our amazing analysis: keyword extraction, entities, topics, sentiment, emotion are all available with your broadcast data.

As with our other sources, metrics vary, so here's a little breakdown of what's available for each source






Alexa Rank




Speaking of sources, you may have noticed a little change-up to our previously named Sites tab. This tab is now Sources, which will show content breakdown of your other data as usual, but will let you see broadcast data broken down by the channel/station it came from.

To coincide with this change, filtering options for broadcast data by these sources are now available in tandem with domain filtering, which can be seen below.

Either way you shake it, Broadcast data will surely make waves in your dataset! If you're interested in getting access to these sources, contact your Account Manager and ask them about Broadcast data.

For all your questions answered about broadcast, check out our Broadcast FAQ

Want a bigger breakdown of not just our Broadcast options, but all of Pulsar's Data Sources? Check out our article below!

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