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Online News

This article will introduce you to online news as a data source and discuss how you can use it across our tools.

Ashvin Jalabhay avatar
Written by Ashvin Jalabhay
Updated over a week ago

Learning Objectives

  • You will learn about Online News and where to find it on TRAC

  • You will understand the type of data that can be collected from Online News

What is Online News?

Online news is an online version of a newspaper, either as a stand-alone publication or as the online version of a printed periodical. Pulsar offers access to over 3 million online news articles a day!

What kind of data can I get from Online News?

We collect the following from Online News:

  • The Article - the published article itself

  • Author Name - the name of the article's author

  • Outlet Name - the publisher's name

  • AVE - Advertising value equivalency (AVE) is a way in which public relations and communication agencies measure the impact of media coverage

  • Page number - the page number where the article was published

🚨 Important: AVE will only be available for Online News articles that have been collected from January 20, 2022 onwards. Articles collected into a search before this date will not include AVE, but all data collected via historic requests will.

Historical data is available for Online News, but the time frames for data collection vary depending on the license:

  • FR News (CFC): previous 24 months

  • Global News (LexisNexis): previous 60 days

  • All other licenses: previous 12 months

How can I add Online News data to my search?

Online News can be enabled along with other sources during Search Setup

If you have an existing search and would like to add Online News, you can do so by editing the search from the Search Management > Summary page

πŸ“ Note: In order to enable Online News as a data source, you'll need to also select at least one Online News License


We support the following Online News licenses:

  • NLA

  • CLA

  • CFC

  • CAL, Isentia

  • LexisNexis

If you're interested in learning more about news licenses, please reach out to your account manager or check out our News Licenses Explained article

Where can I find Online News data on TRAC?

You'll find your Online News data along with content from other data sources in the Feed > Results section.

If you'd like to isolate Online News data, you can do so using filters!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article! πŸ“š

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via live chat. πŸš€

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