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FAQ: Coverage Reports and Shortlists

Frequently asked questions about Coverage Reports and Shortlists

Stephanie Ang avatar
Written by Stephanie Ang
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll cover the frequently asked questions around Coverage Reports and Shortlists.

What’s the maximum number of charts and media items we can add in a Coverage Report?

Coverage Reports can support up to 20 charts in a report, which includes both Feed Charts and Text Blocks. This means that if a user wants to add 100 items to a report, then they can add 2 Feed charts with the Expanded Layout or Table View, which can contain up to 50 media items per Feed chart.

Therefore, users can add up to 1000 media items in a coverage report, provided that the user adds 20 Feed charts with an Expanded or Table Layout.

Do the social metrics in the Performance Metrics disappear if there is no social content in the report?

The Performance Metrics will not display any social metrics if you don't have any social media.

Users can also customise which metrics will be visible in their report by going to the settings at the top of the dashboards page. All metrics are toggled on by default, but users have the option to toggle off or on only the metrics relevant to them and their report.

Can we customise the colours of the report?

Yes, we can customise the colour of the Title, Subtitle and Description text of a report, but we can only do that to the entirety of the report. This is to ensure there is a consistent formatting throughout the coverage report.

Can we export a report to a powerpoint?

We do not export reports to a powerpoint throughout the platform, and are not likely to be built in the future. This is why we styled the report in a PDF, similar to a presentation.

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