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How we handle Client Communication

We have established clear communication guidelines. Our comprehensive guide on how we communicate with our clients.

Johannes Buehler avatar
Written by Johannes Buehler
Updated this week

Effective and transparent communication is the cornerstone of a successful partnership at Pulsenova. To ensure all parties are aligned and misunderstandings are avoided, we have established clear communication guidelines. This guide details how we communicate with our clients, when and how often we schedule meetings, our expectations for client communication, and the importance of constructive feedback. By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to foster a collaborative and productive environment, ensuring the success of every project we undertake.

1. How do we communicate with our clients?

At Pulsenova, we prefer a blend of digital and personal communication methods. Our primary channels include Zoom and Google Meet for video conferences. For all customer support, feedback, and other inquiries, we use Intercom via our website. By centralizing communication through Intercom, we ensure that all client interactions are documented and tracked in one place. This system enhances our ability to provide timely and consistent responses, streamlines our workflow, and allows us to maintain a high level of service quality without the fragmentation that can occur with multiple communication platforms.

2. When do we communicate?

We believe in timely and proactive communication. Regular check-ins are project-specific and occur at least every two weeks, although typically they are held once a week. These check-ins ensure all stakeholders are informed about the project's progress, allowing us to address any issues promptly. Our team is available during business hours, and we strive to respond to all client inquiries within 24 hours. For urgent matters, clients can reach out via phone or through Intercom for immediate attention.

3. How do we expect clients to communicate with us?

We value clear and respectful communication and believe that mutual understanding is key to successful collaboration. We encourage our clients to share their thoughts, feedback, and questions openly. Communication can be facilitated through scheduled video calls, emails, or messages via Intercom. When discussing project details, we appreciate thorough and detailed information, as it helps us understand the client's vision and requirements better. We also encourage clients to promptly inform us of any changes or issues, ensuring that we can adapt and respond effectively. By maintaining an open and honest dialogue, we can work together more efficiently and create the best possible outcomes for our clients.

4. How do we receive feedback from our clients?

Feedback is crucial for continuous improvement. We encourage our clients to provide feedback through regular meetings, surveys, and direct communication through Intercom. Constructive and helpful criticism is highly valued as it helps us understand what is working well and what can be improved. This feedback is essential for us to tailor our services and deliver the best possible solutions for our clients. By openly sharing their experiences and suggestions, clients enable us to refine our processes and enhance the quality of our work.

5. What types of questions and requests are appropriate?

Clients can approach us with any questions or requests related to their project. This includes inquiries about project timelines, design choices, technical issues, and any other concerns they may have. We aim to address all questions thoroughly and provide clear, actionable answers. For more complex requests, we may schedule additional meetings to discuss and resolve the issues effectively.

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