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Logistics & Responsibilities

Clear logistics and well-defined responsibilities are essential to ensure a smooth and productive collaboration with our clients.

Johannes Buehler avatar
Written by Johannes Buehler
Updated this week

At Pulsenova, clear logistics and well-defined responsibilities are essential to ensure a smooth and productive collaboration with our clients. By establishing clear expectations and processes, we can deliver high-quality results efficiently and effectively. Below, we outline key aspects of our logistics and responsibilities and answer important questions related to these areas.

Contract Reminders and Deadlines

Maintaining clear communication regarding contractual obligations and deadlines is crucial for the success of our projects. We ensure that both parties are aware of their responsibilities and timelines to keep the project on track.

What we want to remind our clients of: contracts, deadlines, and feedback: It is important to remind clients of key elements in their contract, including deadlines and feedback schedules. Adhering to these timelines ensures that the project progresses smoothly and that we can deliver the final product on time.

We provide regular updates and reminders about upcoming deadlines and required feedback. This proactive communication helps prevent any delays and ensures that both parties are aligned and on schedule.

Key Points:

  • Contracts: Clients should review and understand all contractual obligations to ensure compliance and avoid misunderstandings. Regular attention to these details, much like regular accounting checks, ensures that both parties are aware of their commitments​​.

  • Deadlines: Adhering to project deadlines is crucial to prevent delays and keep the project on track. We use clear timelines and milestone check-ins to ensure progress is steady and on schedule​​.

  • Feedback: Providing timely feedback is essential for maintaining project momentum and making necessary adjustments. Just as timely financial data allows for effective decision-making, prompt feedback enables us to refine and perfect our work​​.

File Delivery and Expectations

Efficient file delivery and clear expectations regarding file formats and delivery methods are vital for seamless collaboration. We strive to make this process as straightforward as possible for our clients.

How we want clients to deliver files and what they can expect from us: We prefer clients to deliver files through secure file-sharing platforms that support our workflow and ensure data integrity. We provide detailed instructions on the preferred formats and any specific requirements to facilitate this process.

Clients can expect us to deliver files in the agreed-upon formats and through secure channels. We ensure that all files are organized and clearly labeled to avoid any confusion and to streamline the review process.

Key Points:

  • File Delivery from Clients: Clients should use secure file-sharing platforms and adhere to specified formats for easy integration into our workflow. Consistency and accuracy in file management are as important as in financial records, ensuring smooth operations​​.

  • File Delivery from Us: We deliver files in agreed-upon formats and through secure, organized channels to ensure clarity and ease of use. This approach ensures that clients receive files in a manner that supports their review and implementation processes​​.

  • Project Management Tool: We use ClickUp for project management, which facilitates efficient file handling, task tracking, and communication. Clients will receive access to relevant ClickUp boards to stay updated on project progress and deadlines.


Understanding the payment structure and schedule is crucial for maintaining a smooth financial workflow. Our payment process is designed to ensure transparency and efficiency.

When payments take place and how we handle them: We typically structure payments in three phases: an initial deposit, a mid-project payment, and a final payment upon project completion. This ensures that the project remains financially stable and that both parties are committed throughout the process.

  1. Initial Deposit: One-third of the total project cost is due upon signing the contract. This deposit secures the project and allows us to begin work.

  2. Mid-Project Payment: The second third is due at a key milestone, often at the approval of the design alternatives. This ensures continued progress and financial security.

  3. Final Payment: The remaining balance is due upon delivery of the final materials, within 30 days of completion. This final payment signifies the successful completion of the project.

We invoice clients through our accounting system, and all payments are tracked to ensure timely and accurate financial management. This structured approach helps us manage cash flow and maintain project momentum.

Key Points:

  • Payment Phases: Initial deposit, mid-project payment, and final payment ensure financial stability and commitment.

  • Invoicing: We use an organized invoicing system to track payments and manage cash flow effectively​​.

Creative Process

Our creative process is designed to deliver innovative and effective solutions through a structured yet flexible approach. Understanding and respecting this process is crucial for achieving the best results.

What our typical creative process looks like and why clients should respect/trust it: Our creative process involves several stages: discovery, ideation, design, and refinement. Each stage is crucial for developing a deep understanding of the client's needs and creating solutions that truly address their challenges.

Clients should respect and trust this process because it is rooted in design thinking principles, which emphasize empathy, collaboration, and iterative improvement. By following this structured approach, we ensure that the final product is not only innovative but also highly relevant and effective.

Key Points:

  • Discovery: Understanding the client's needs and challenges is akin to the scorekeeping phase in accounting, where we gather essential data to inform our strategy​​.

  • Ideation: Generating creative solutions through brainstorming and collaborative efforts. This stage is like the attention-directing phase, where insights are synthesized to guide decision-making​​.

  • Design: Developing and refining the chosen solution, similar to preparing detailed financial statements that reflect the business's health​​.

  • Refinement: Iterating based on feedback to perfect the final product. This mirrors the problem-solving phase, where data is used to refine strategies and solutions​​.


Clearly defining responsibilities helps ensure that both parties know their roles and can work together effectively. This clarity is essential for the success of any project.

What responsibilities lie exclusively with us and which lie exclusively with clients: Our responsibilities include managing the overall project, providing expert design solutions, and maintaining clear and open communication throughout the project. We ensure that all deliverables meet the highest standards of quality and are delivered on time.

The client's responsibilities include providing timely feedback, delivering necessary materials and information, and adhering to agreed-upon deadlines. By fulfilling these responsibilities, clients enable us to deliver our best work efficiently.

Key Points:

  • Our Responsibilities: Project management, design expertise, clear communication, and quality assurance. These responsibilities are analogous to managing and interpreting financial data to guide business decisions​​.

  • Client Responsibilities: Timely feedback, providing materials, adhering to deadlines. Just as clients must keep their financial records up-to-date, their timely input and adherence to timelines are crucial for project success​​.


By clearly defining logistics and responsibilities, we ensure that our collaborations with clients are smooth, efficient, and productive. This clarity allows us to focus on delivering high-quality results while fostering a strong partnership based on mutual respect and trust.

Understanding and respecting these logistics and responsibilities enable clients to better appreciate our approach and contribute to a more successful and effective collaboration. This alignment ensures that every project is a success, delivering exceptional results that meet and exceed expectations.

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