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Onboarding Process Pulsenova

This guide outlines each step of our onboarding process, helping you understand how we facilitate your project from start to finish.

Johannes Buehler avatar
Written by Johannes Buehler
Updated this week

At Pulsenova, our onboarding process is meticulously designed to ensure a smooth and effective transition for our clients. This comprehensive guide outlines each step of our onboarding process, helping you understand what to expect and how we facilitate your project from start to finish.

1. Sales Process and Initial Agreement

Sales Conversation

The onboarding journey starts with a detailed sales conversation. During this phase, we discuss your needs, project requirements, and provide an overview of our services. This is the opportunity for both parties to ask questions and align on expectations. Once a verbal agreement on the project scope and pricing is reached, we proceed to the formal documentation. For more details on our approach to client partnerships, you can read our article on Ensuring Successful Collaborations.

Management Folder Creation

To ensure organized and efficient project management, a dedicated management folder is created in Google Drive. This folder will house all important documents, including contracts, invoices, and finalized work files. Sharing this folder with you ensures transparency and easy access to all necessary information.

Document Versioning

All working documents are maintained with version control in the management folder. This allows for tracking changes and referencing previous versions, ensuring that both the team and you are always aligned and can avoid any misunderstandings.

Sending the Contract

The reviewed contract is sent to you in a Word document format. This format allows for easy review and feedback. You have the opportunity to go through the contract and highlight any concerns or required modifications.

2. Contract Finalization and Project Initiation

Welcome Email

After the contract is signed, a welcome email is sent to you. This email introduces the key team members, including the team lead/creative director, project manager, and bookkeeper. It also provides essential contact details and includes a link to our communication guidelines to ensure smooth interaction throughout the project. You can find these guidelines here.

Personal Greeting

The CEO of Pulsenova, Johannes Buehler, sends a personal welcome message. This message outlines the basic creative process and reassures you of our commitment to your project’s success.

Project Calendar

A detailed project calendar is created, outlining all the steps and milestones of the project. This calendar includes the scheduling of the discovery meeting and other key events, providing a clear roadmap for the project timeline.

Bookkeeper’s Response

The bookkeeper sends an invoice and detailed payment instructions. This communication also includes contact information for any billing-related queries.

First Payment Request

A request for the initial payment is sent. This step secures the project’s initiation and confirms your commitment.

Client Dashboard in ClickUp

A customized client dashboard is created in ClickUp and shared with you. This dashboard provides real-time updates on project progress, task assignments, and deadlines. It serves as a central hub for all project-related activities, ensuring that you are always informed.

Communication Framework

A clear communication framework is established, outlining the preferred channels and frequency of updates. This framework ensures that you can easily reach out to the team and stay informed throughout the project. Detailed information on our communication practices can be found in the following articles: How We Handle Communication and How to Communicate.

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