If you have a listing file in SkySlope, but the listing has expired and doesn't renew or you're no longer working with the sellers, it's time to withdraw the listing! Withdrawing a listing lets your brokerage know that you're no longer listing the property. Here's a step by step guide on how to withdraw a listing in SkySlope.
Withdrawing a Listing in SkySlope
Sign in to your SkySlope account.
Click on Manage Listings.
Find the listing you want to withdraw and click on the icon that looks like a circle with a line through it.
A pop up will appear that includes a text box to note why the you're withdrawing the listing. If you don't see the pop up, please make sure you've disabled your internet browser's pop-up blocker.
βProvide details about why you're withdrawing the listing, then click Submit.
The Manage Transactions page will refresh and your file will now appear under the Canceled Listings Pending Approval section of the page until your auditor approves the withdrawal.
Once your auditor approves the withdrawn listing, it will appear in Canceled Contracts (you can access Canceled Contracts from your homepage) under Listings.