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How to Automatically Apply Discounts
How to Automatically Apply Discounts

Make the customer journey even easier with automatic member discounts

Ariane Vishendas avatar
Written by Ariane Vishendas
Updated over a week ago

Offering exclusive discounts is a powerful method to enrich your membership program and deliver added value to your members.

With our Shopify integration, you can provide discounts that are effortlessly applied at checkout in two easy steps. This streamlined process enhances the shopping experience, ensuring your members enjoy the benefits of your program with ease and convenience.

Step 1: Create a Discount Code Activation

To start, create a discount code activation. Add your discount information and configure your discount code.

Step 2: Add the Discount Link

Once you arrive at the Post Claim Message step in the activation flow, select "Include a button to redirect users."

Share the discount link to automatically apply the promo code.

The discount link will adhere to the following format:


Thats it! Now, when members claim your discount code, the code will automatically be applied at checkout!

Shoppers can only apply ONE automatic discount at checkout. If a member claims multiple discounts that use this method, the most recent will replace any previous discounts added this way. Discounts can still be stacked by adding them through the Discount code field in the checkout.

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