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Understanding the Difference Between Admin Users and Agent Users in Engage
Understanding the Difference Between Admin Users and Agent Users in Engage
Ellen Ceballos avatar
Written by Ellen Ceballos
Updated over a year ago

Each user type has different access and capabilities within the platform. Let's explore the details:

Admin User

An admin user within an agency has the following privileges and responsibilities:

  • Admin users can view all proposals created within the agency, regardless of the creator or assigned team.

  • Admin users have the ability to create version templates, which can be used as the basis for proposals. These templates streamline the proposal creation process and ensure consistency.

  • Admin users can set up integrations that are applicable to the entire office. These integrations enable seamless data transfer and collaboration across different systems.

  • Admin users can set up agent profiles on behalf of the agents in the agency. This includes configuring profile details, such as contact information, awards, and achievements.

Agent User

An agent user in Engage has the following access and capabilities:

  • Agent users can only view their own proposals and proposals assigned to their team. They have limited visibility and cannot access proposals created by other agents or teams.

  • Agent users have the autonomy to set up and manage their own profiles within Engage. They can input personal details, such as reviews, case studies, and achievements, which showcase their expertise and track record.

  • Agent users do not have the ability to edit templates. They can utilise the templates provided by the admin or agency but cannot make modifications to the templates themselves.

Checking Your Access

To determine your user access level, log in to your Engage account and navigate to the account settings. Review the available options and permissions to identify whether you have admin or agent user status.

Changing User Roles

If you need to switch from admin to agent or vice versa, please reach out to our dedicated support team. They will assist you in making the necessary changes to your user role.

Watch the video below to learn more about the different types of roles:

If there are any issues or concerns, please contact your Engage Support at

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