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Engagement Stats

Check out what goes into your Engagement Stats!

Updated over a week ago

Take a look at what is all in your Engagement Stats (total counts and averages) below! πŸ‘‡

  • Data to Display

    • Video views

    • Video duration

      • Total

      • Average

    • LT/LS duration

      • Total

      • Average

    • LT/LS views

    • % no show (scheduled vs. completed)

    • Split by different channels (prospect links, social, etc.)

    • Share banner CTA click-through rate

  • Design / Graphs

    • Table of counts of above data types

    • 1 pie chart showing the split by different channels (prospect links, social, etc.)

    • 1 pie chart showing the split by different video types (unit, amenities, resident, etc.)

Please note: This view is for corporate/manager only. If you are an agent you will only be able to see your property.

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