When you payout money from your account, the Payout Report provides you with a detailed breakdown of which songs, releases and artists received money in that payment.
Unlike the sales performance tool, or the sales report, a Payout Report is connected to each specific payout you make from your account.
Why this is useful
The payout report is useful if you have collaborators who have worked on particular songs or releases, or if you are a label that works with multiple artists.
In these cases, the Payout Report will help you understand how much each collaborator is due to get from a payout you have made.
How to download a report
Payout reports are available to download from the transaction history on your balance page. To navigate to this page, once you logged in click "Menu(β‘)" at the top right corner and go to "Reports" then click the "Balance" tab. To download a report, locate the payout that you want to get a report for and click the Download Report link on the right.