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Uploading Step: How to upload a .csv
Uploading Step: How to upload a .csv

How to upload files to your REISift account

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated over a month ago

Your file must be saved as a csv file in order to upload. To upload a file, click Upload File on the bottom left of your REISift account in the sidebar.


On upload you have the option to Add data or Update data, for more information on these two options you can click inside the upload window or watch Difference between Update Data and Add Data in the Help Center.

When uploading a file check the data requirements section on the right side of the upload window. In order to upload you will need to have column headers for all required data. If you don’t have all the information you can still upload your file, as long as you have these column headers in your csv file.

After you answer the Let’s Stay Organized questions, click Next Step. If you aren’t sure how to answer these questions please watch Setup Step: Answering the "Let's stay Organized" Questions on Upload

Add tags

The next step of the upload process is adding tags. We add auto tags based on how you answer the Let's Stay Organized questions. You also have the option to add custom tags.

Upload the file

At this point you can open your csv file, review the file to confirm you have all required column headers to match the data requirements. Once you’ve reviewed your file and confirmed it is correct, you will be ready to upload. You can drag and drop the file or click Browse to upload. Once you see File Uploaded you can click Next Step.

Map the columns

The next step in the upload process is mapping the columns. The system recognizes the columns in your csv file and you’ll need to map the columns to the right. All required fields must be mapped in order to move to the next step. For more information on mapping watch Mapping Step: How to map .csv


Always review your upload! This can prevent mistakes with mapping columns, adding records to the wrong list, etc. Once you have reviewed all information and confirmed it is correct, click Finish Upload. You can track the progress of your upload on the Activity page under the Upload tab.

Unable to upload or Receiving errors? Check your file size and the amount of records on your csv file. Don't upload more than 50k-85k records at one time in a file. Once you get to around 100k the internet starts getting angry. Please break your list up if needed. Check your formatting. Empty rows in a csv and formatting can cause a csv to not upload. An easy way to fix this is upload to google and download as a csv file.

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