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Filtering & Saving Presets for Skip Tracing
Filtering & Saving Presets for Skip Tracing

How to filter, create, and save filter presets for skip tracing

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated over 6 months ago

In this article you'll learn how to filter for records that have never been skip traced, and locate records that you did not receive results for after skip tracing. These filter options can be saved as a preset so when you're ready to filter for this information again, you can select the preset. Filter Presets can also be saved and organized in folders.

Needs Skipped

To see which records have never been skip traced, select Filter Records from the Records page and add the Params & Others filter block.

Next Select Numbers -> No and Skip traced -> No.

You can always skip trace all results, or narrow down the results by filtering by list, list stacking, vacant, or any other criteria you want to include in your next marketing campaign.

Skipped 1x No Numbers

We use tags to see how many times a record has been skip traced. There are two ways to track skip tracing with tags:

If you always use the same company for your first and second skip tracing source, create tags with the company name + skipped, for example REISift Skipped.

If you use different companies each time, create tags for Skipped 1x and Skipped 2x.

To filter for records that have been skip traced once and have no numbers, add the Params & Others filter block, then select Numbers -> No, Skip traced -> Yes.

Next, add the Tags filter block and include your first skip tracing source tag and exclude your second source. If you're using Skipped 1x and 2x tags, include Skipped 1x and Exclude Skipped 2x.

Similar with the Needs Skipped filter, you can skip trace all records in the results, or narrow down using the criteria for your marketing campaign.

Skipped 2x No Numbers

To filter for records that have been skip traced twice but have no numbers, add the Params & Others filter block, then select Numbers -> No, Skip traced -> Yes.

Next, add the Tags filter block and include both skip tracing source tags. If you're using Skipped 1x and 2x tags, include both tags.

If there are no results after skip tracing twice, you can skip trace in a third location, deep prospect, or try a different marketing strategy such as direct mail.

Creating Folders

Filter Presets can be organized in folders. To create a preset folder, select Filter Presets, Create Folder.

Enter in the name of the folder and select which users or roles that can access the folder. Only those users selected will be able to see and access the folder and the presets saved within the folder.

Saving Presets

To save the filter options as a preset, click Save New located towards the top right of the filters. Name the Preset, and select which folder to save the preset to.

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