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Creating Custom Filter Presets
Creating Custom Filter Presets

How to create and save your own custom filter presets

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated over a week ago

Filter presets are a powerful tool in REISift to help streamline your marketing flows and processes. You can create filter presets to easily see which records need to be skip traced, which records are ready to market to and when to send for the next call attempt, basically any time you need to think about what to do next, you can have a filter preset that catches those records.

Want to learn more about the strategy behind creating these presets and marketing flows? Check out our Data to Dollars Challenge.

In the challenge we will cover principles of data, ideologies of marketing to property owners, strategies of marketing execution, sales principles, operations, and so much more. At the end of this challenge, you will have a full-blown operation in place, including SOPs on how to get data, market to the data, manage leads generated, and convert those leads to revenue (dollars) in your business.

The amount of custom filter presets you can create varies per plan.

  • Essentials - up to 3

  • Professional - up to 8

  • Business - Unlimited

Accessing Filters & Filter Presets

To access filters and filter presets, go to the Records page and select Filter Records towards the top right.

To view presets, click View Presets or Filter Presets.

If you haven’t created any custom filter presets yet, you’ll see the REISift Base Presets folder and the Default folder.

The REISift Base Presets are:

  • Stacked - records on more than one list

  • Vacant - vacant property

  • Ouchies - vexation or pain point lists

  • Equity - equity lists.

These are the 4 main data buckets and can be used alone or as a template when creating your marketing campaigns.

To create your own custom filter presets, you can start by creating a folder first, or create the preset and save to the default folder (you can always move them to a new folder you create later).

Creating Filter Preset Folders

To create a new folder, click Create New Folder from the filter presets section.

When creating folders you can choose who has access to the folder. Only the users or user roles selected will be able to view and access the folder, and any presets located within the folder. If you want everyone in your account to have access, select Everybody.

Once you’ve named the folder and selected who can have access, click Create Folder.

Creating Custom Filter Presets

You can use any combination of our filters to create your own custom filter presets that work best for your business. In this example, we show how to create a filter preset for any records that have been skip traced twice and have no numbers, so we can send direct mail.

You’ll start by selecting Add new filter block. In this example we’re adding the Tags filter block so we can exclude any call attempt and direct mail tags, and include the two skip tracing source tags.

If you are using the direct mail attempts counter to track direct mail, add the Direct Mail Attempts filter block and select a minimum and maximum of 0.

Next, add the Property Status filter block. Here we are excluding all property statuses. This would exclude anyone reached in a previous campaign, because if the owner was reached, the record would have a property status.

Note: When creating new custom statuses, be sure to go back and exclude these from your filter presets.

Last filter block to add is the Params & Others filter block. Select Vacant Mailing No (so direct mail isn’t sent to a vacant mailing address), Numbers No and Skip traced Yes.

Once all filter options are included, select Save New. Next, name the preset and select the folder. Click Save Preset when done.

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