December 2023 releases
| New + improved navigation in Admin Panel.The ask: “Navigating the Admin Panel is confusing. It’s hard to find exactly what I am looking for.”
Additional enhancement: The Transaction report is now Sales summary— the central hub for all patient purchases on your app.
| Maximize the impact of in-app redeemables.The ask: “I want insights into what my patients are redeeming on my Patient Rewards app.” |
| Increase the visibility of available promotions to patients.The ask: “I would like an easier way for my patients to know what promotions are available for them to apply automatically to their cart.”
The solution: Patients can access available promotions and apply one to their cart before completing their purchase.
Conveniently redeem treatments by the individual quantity.The ask: “I want to be able to redeem treatments at specific quantities that are greater than 1– specifically with Botox”
November 2023 Releases
Drive more conversions with Affirm marketing banners.
The solution: Informative and engaging Affirm marketing built into your patients' shopping experience.
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Customize the order of your treatments and packages.The ask: "I want to change the order in which my treatments and packages are listed in Shop."
The solution: Easily reorder your treatments and packages directly in App Builder to determine how they list on your Shop.
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Insert preset URLs and CTAs when building an SMS Blast.The ask: "I want an easier way to add my shortened URL when building out an SMS Blast."
The solution: Shortened URLs to your Home and Shop screens will now be pre-added to your account so you can easily insert them when building an SMS Blast.