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How to Create a Form Notification

How to Create a Notification Template for Forms AND What Does a Form Template do?

Caleb Pilarski avatar
Written by Caleb Pilarski
Updated over a year ago

"BOOM! A new patient submitted a form."

That's right, you can customize your notifications to alert you via email when a form has been submitted! Not only can you personalize the message but, you can also create a separate notification template for each form based on your preferences.

How to Build the Notification Template:

  1. Under the FORMS Tab > SHOW TEMPLATES page you will be able to create unique notifications each time a specific form is filled out.

  2. In the top right of the page click +Add.

3. Select Notification Email.

4. Determine where you would like the notification to be sent, fill out the template with the desired message, and SAVE!

*CLICK HERE to learn how to add the notification to each form.

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