Adding Snapshot data to a report allows you to visualize and analyze your stored metrics effectively. Follow these steps to include Snapshot data in your reports:
Note: You will have to complete the Snapshot Setup before adding it into a report.
Steps to Add Snapshot Data to a Report
Step 1. Access the Reports Section
Navigate to the Reports section in your system.
Step 2. Edit the Report
Click on Edit Report to modify an existing report or create a new one.
Step 3. Add a Widget
Select Add Your Widget to include a new data visualization.
Step 4. Create a Custom Widget
Click on Create Custom Widget to start building your visualization.
Step 5. Enter Widget Details
Provide a Widget Name and a Description.
Step 6. Select Widget Type
Choose the Widget Type that best fits your data visualization needs.
Step 7. Select Snapshot as the Data Source
Under Channel Name, select Snapshot.
Choose the Snapshot you created under the Object field.
Step 8. Define the Time Range
Select the Time Range for the data you want to display.
Step 9. Choose Data Presentation Format
Select how you want your data presented:
By Date
Step 10. Select Metrics
Pick the Metrics you want to plot on the X-axis and Y-axis.
Step 11. Set Aggregation
Choose the data aggregation level:
Step 12. Set Date Format
Select the Date Format that suits your reporting needs.
Step 13. Sort the Data
Choose the criteria for sorting the data and define the sorting order (e.g., ascending or descending).
Step 14. Preview and Finalize
A preview of the chart will appear based on your selections.
If everything looks good, click on Create Widget to add it to your report.
Your custom widget with Snapshot data is now part of your report, enabling better visualization and insights!