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How to Set Up an LivePHA™ Sandbox
How to Set Up an LivePHA™ Sandbox
Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago


Would you find it helpful if completed HAZOP Recommendations are immediately reflected in the original HAZOP document? Is it a tedious and time-consuming task to update the completed Recommendations in your PHA document?

The LivePHA® Recommendation Completion feature allows users to easily update the original PHA document with completed Recommendations, and provides intuitive methods to track all past completions.

Set Up a PHA Sandbox

1. Using the main menu, navigate to the LivePHA Projects page.

2. Click on the blue "Create a Project" button.

3. You will be taken to a project creation wizard with 6 steps. Not all fields are required, but filling in as much as you can will help with document organization. If you would like to have access to LivePHA and live analytics, leave the "Data only" toggle off.

4. The Mappings step will outline the current Cause Categories, Consequence Categories and Protection Layer Categories (for both safeguards and recommendations). These are obtained from your Company Mappings when the company first joined Risk Alive. You can modify anything on this page for your specific project without any changes to the default Company Mappings.

5. The Risk Matrix step will detail the mappings for your risk ranking information such as Likelihood, Severity and Risk Ranking. Scroll down the page to see a visualization of your risk matrix. The risk matrix is edited by clicking on any square on the risk matrix (any risk ranking) and select a new risk ranking from the drop down. Remember to fill this out, as many Risk Alive tools and analytics depend on the correct risk matrix information.

6. The Automation step was created to help you take advantage of the many machine learning tools built-in to Risk Alive. Learning several types of automation tools all at once can be overwhelming, so this step is for you to tell us what type of data you have, and we will turn on the appropriate tools for you. If your data doesn't fit in either of these categories, or you would like to learn more about the automation tools, you can click on the "manually choose which automation tools to use" button.

7. If you would like to hide or unhide data columns in LivePHA, you can turn them on or off in this step. These preferences can be changed at any time, so don't worry if you hide something by accident.

8. Lastly, this step is to create an analytic report based on the PHA information. Name your report something easy for you to find again!

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