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Questions about data security

What data is shared auction-wide, can others see my data?

Martien Röling avatar
Written by Martien Röling
Updated over 2 months ago

How is the security of my data guaranteed?

Your data is and remains your data. RFH Insights complies with all laws and regulations that apply to data management.

Communication between your system, Floriday and RFH Insights is well protected - so that others cannot tap or change your data. RFH Insights uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure data during transport. TLS ensures, among other things, that data cannot be changed en route. TLS technology is extremely secure - it is also used for online banking, for example.

As a user, you will hardly notice this. It is important that your operating system and web browser are updated to the latest versions so that TLS 1.2 is supported. Only then is your data safe during transport!

I see the average prices of other growers, is this allowed?

In RFH Insights it is possible to see prices of other growers. This function in Insights only offers growers (not buyers) the possibility to compare your price per auction group with other growers based on the average price, product code and main sorting.

With this data we try to create a more level playing field and put growers in a stronger position compared to the trade. Buyers who are on the clock every day are continuously aware of all prices per grower. For many growers this is much more difficult to keep track of. With RFH Insights, the grower now has this public information at his disposal more quickly. When a buyer contacts, he immediately has the necessary insight ready.

You can also request the same information with a Clockview subscription, we just make it a bit clearer and easier to compare your own prices with other growers.

The transparency of this data is in accordance with the information policy of Royal FloraHolland.

Do buyers have access to the data in RFH Insights?

Buyers do not have access to transaction data of the grower with other buyers or historical price information of the grower. RFH Insights was developed specifically for growers. Buyers have their own services, which provide insight into the transactions made by the buyer themselves and the average price of auctioned products, but this information is less detailed than for growers. A buyer cannot request the average price or revenue of an auctioned lot or direct order.

For which auction locations is the data available?

For the Royal FloraHolland locations: Aalsmeer, Naaldwijk, Rijnsburg, Eelde, auction Rhein-Maas and auction Plantion. For Plantion data, it is necessary that the supply is traded via Floriday.

Can another grower see what my revenue is?

RFH Insights does not show numbers or revenue of other growers. Only the average price of lots deliverd by other growers is shown in the Daily report, for the auctiongroups actively used. Your personal revenue is not visible to another grower.

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