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General questions about usage

Info about average prices, adding organizations, direct orders and much more.

Martien Röling avatar
Written by Martien Röling
Updated over 2 months ago

How is the average price calculated?

An average price is only calculated on sold orders. Quantities that are not sold on the clock are not included in the calculation.

A user can indicate in the settings whether he only wants to see the clock average, or the combination of clock and clock pre-sales.

The dashboard shows 3 average proceeds of the clock lot, your own average including clock pre-sales (lot average), your average excluding clock pre-sales (clock average) and the auction average. This is the average of only clock transactions (without clock pre-sales) of the same product, at the same location with the same main sorting.

In the Clock report you can set whether you want to see the average in the lot line including or excluding clock pre-sales.

Can I also go directly to Insights without going to Floriday?

That is possible by directly using the Insights address in your browser, which is

You can also create a shortcut for this in your own browser.

You will always have to fill in the login screen first. You can determine with your own personal browswer settings whether you always have to fill this in, or whether you let the browser do this for you.

Does Insights also work on my smartphone?

RFH Insights is also optimized for use on your smartphone. The information you see is sometimes a bit more limited, because the screen size is smaller.

The most important information always remains visible.

On your smartphone you can also create a shortcut on your own desktop, so that RFH Insights works in the same way as an App that you install yourself from Google Play on the Apple Store:

  • Android: Open in your (Chrome) browser, go to the 3 dots for the browser settings and click on 'Add to your home screen'.

  • iOS: Open in Safari, Tap on the share icon in the navigation bar (square with arrow pointing up), Scroll down to open the extra options and tap on the option 'Add to home screen'.

On which date are direct orders shown?

Direct orders contain different dates by default. The date the order was closed, the delivery date and the invoice date. Depending on your own needs, you can set which date is used.

Example: if you indicate the delivery date as a preference and you set a specific date in the filter, all orders that were delivered on the specific date are filtered.

Why don't I see any numbers sold of products in the Market View?

Showing the turnover of products that are only sold by a few growers on the clock is not permitted under privacy regulation. The average price is always shown for each product, so that you can get a good impression of the pricing of all products.

Whether or not to show the numbers sold is determined by a minimum number of growers that supply the product within the set date period, and the market share of the largest grower. This is called the 3 grower rule.

How exactly does the 3 grower rule work?

When an number of pieces sold might be shown, it is always checked for the specific row in question whether at least 3 different growers have supplied the product.

This can be at product group level, product level or a combination of product and main feature level, possibly in combination with other filters created.

Different sub-numbers of the same grower are not seen as different grower numbers.

If you are the only grower of a product, you will see the numbers in the market view, because these are your own numbers. Another grower will not see these numbers.

I am missing data from a sub-number, how can I add that?

In floriday, the users for each grower number (main and sub-numbers individual) must be set correctly. RFH Insights uses these authorizations.

The main user can invite other users in Floriday. Are you having trouble with your user configuration? Then contact the Floriday support desk, they can link your login to your sub-number.

In addition, each number must be activated separately for RFH Insights. With a single RFH Insights subscription, you may use a maximum of 3 grower numbers. When using more than 3 numbers, an additional amount will be charged.

For the actual rate for additional numbers, see the service page on

How can I print an overview properly?

You can print every page in RFH Insights via the printer function of the browser itself. You will then receive an exact copy of the screen.

In order to print it properly, it is necessary to adjust the print scale when printing. If you set this to approximately 40%, the width of the screen fits well on an A4.

How does the filter work, I don't see all my products in it?

In the clock report and in statistics, the filter is filled based on what you have supplied yourself over the set period. In the market view, the filter is filled based on all clock transactions made during the set period.

It is not recommended to check everything you want to see in the filter, that only makes the report slower. Only if you want to see a specific part of the turnover, you have to check it in your filter. For example, if you supply at three locations, and you want to see the turnover of one of them, you have to use the filter. If you want to see everything, you don't have to check anything.

Can I hide Insights from some users in my organization?

In the user settings, the 'Colleagues' tab allows you to set which users of RFH Insights linked to the organization can use Insights (or a component). The use can be disabled per main function. Only a main user can adjust this for other users.

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