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How does Samhub for Media Create First-party Audiences for Publishers & Media?
How does Samhub for Media Create First-party Audiences for Publishers & Media?

This article explains how we apply the audience data in the Samhub for Media service based on media 1st party data sources.

Written by Martin Bergqvist
Updated over 5 months ago

Publishers and Media has a special position in society. They are an integral part of any democracy and operate under journalistic standards that ensure both quality and a critical view in reporting the news to the public. That is why it is important that as a publisher or media you need to transparently explain what you do and how you do it. So that you can maintain the public trust and ensure that online users can feel secure in sharing their information with you.

Summary of article

This article highlights the different types of first-party data collected by media houses, including subscription details, transactional records, content engagement, browser activities, and user login credentials. Additionally, the piece details the Samhub for Media platform's capabilities in data management and customer data processing to create high-quality, high reach, segmented audiences for monetization by publishers and media.

Samhub’s services include contextual and demographic data enrichment and privacy-focused audience sharing mechanisms that omit personally identifiable information. The platform employs a "Data Waterfall Method" to progressively refine audience data based on user interaction levels, from anonymous visitors to identified users, ensuring data privacy and maximizing advertising potential.

Publisher First-Party Data

For any media house the data sources that can be considered as first party data are (but not limited to):

  • Subscription data

    • Subscription type

    • Subscription loyalty

    • Subscription frequency

    • Subscription channels

  • Transactional data

    • Payment method

    • Payment amount

    • Payment information

  • Contact information

    • Name

    • Address

    • E-mail

    • Phone number

  • Content data

    • Text masses

    • Article classifications

    • Content creator

  • Browser data

    • Browser settings

    • Browser URL:s visited

    • Referral URL:s

    • Cookie information (3rd party, 1st party)

    • Geographical signals (long./lat., IP-address, etc.)

  • Login data

    • User name

    • E-mail

    • Phone number

    • Name

    • Address

Samhub for Media Platform

The Samhub for Media platform consists of several different services in order to collect, enrich and segment the online users to create high quality audiences with good reach.

  • DMP-service: The Samhub Data Management Platform collects and segments online data and exposes them to other platforms for audience monetisation.

  • CDP-service: The Samhub Customer Data Platform ensures that publishers and media can leverage their most valuable user information into their audience offer - the logged in and verified user information.

  • Contextual Data Enrichment: included in the Samhub platform is a contextual analysis service that classifies the online content so that our customers can target contextually and build first party user behaviour audiences.

  • Anonymous Census Enrichment: included in the Samhub platform is also enrichment with population census data on anonymous users. This creates audiences that are in high demand with advertisers; income-, family-, housing-, car ownership- and many other audiences.

  • Identified Census Enrichment: For publishers that use our CDP-service we can also offer data enrichment based on verified public and private data sources.

  • Audience Monetisation: the Samhub-platform aims to maximise the data opportunities for publishers and media by ensuring integration to the owned and operated systems of any publisher. It also facilitates integrity safe methods of sharing first party audience data without exposing personally identifiable information (PII). This is especially useful if you work with 3rd party ad networks.

The Samhub Audience Methodology

The Samhub for Media platform ensures both reach and quality in the audience data by leveraging both first-time anonymous visits and verified login data.

This is what we call the "Samhub Data Waterfall Method".

This means that we are constantly are working to improve the audience data with the information we have at hand on teh publisher website. And we only do this if consent has been given to the publisher.

Step 1 - First-time anonymous Users

If a user as no identifier from a previous visit we have to make low-level confidence assumptions about the visitor. The targeting options for this visit are:

  • Contextual Targeting - IAB classified page view targeting based on a single page view that has been classified by our contextual analysis.

  • Geographical data - Single observation geographical targeting.

  • Geographical enrichment - Single observation geographical data matching.

This is the data with the highest reach but the lowest accuracy.

Step 2 - Anonymous User with 1st Party Data History

If we have some information based on previous visits or that we are able to create during a user session we can make some more accurate assumptions.

  • User IAB 1st party interest - a history of contextual visits on the website that can indicate a higher interest for certain topics.

  • Geographical history data - we can analyse the geographical information to more accurately match the user to our census data with our machine learning algorithms.

  • Geographical enrichment - Multi observation geographical data matching.

This is information with a high to moderate reach and a low to moderate accuracy.

Step 3 - Anonymous Users with Login Information

If you as a publisher or media use our CDP-service you can push both a identified and anonymous user information to the Samhub platform. The anonymous user information you can push to the service are:

  • Gender

  • Year of birth

  • Home zip code

This is information with a high to moderate reach and a low to moderate accuracy.

Step 4 - Identified Users with Login Information

If you choose to push identified information to our CDP we are able to build a significantly longer user history on the logge dn users. In the Samhub CDP we never keep the information in clear text. It is always the publisher that holds the clear text identification information, we only hold pseudonymized one-way encrypted information about the users. This is called "Privacy by Design" and is a recommended practice in the data legislation.

Identified information we process:

  • E-mail

  • Phone number

  • Personal Identification Number

  • Address

  • Zip code

  • City

  • Country

With this information we can match the users to verified household information such as:

  • Income

  • Housing

  • Family

  • Car ownership

  • Children in household

This is information with a low to moderate reach and a high accuracy.

Aggregating Information into Audiences

In the Samhub platform we aggregate all the information into audiences, effectively anonymizing the data that will be exposed publicly.

This means that every audience can contain all different levels of accuracy. It also gives publishers control over the data quality you want to create and align it with your own respective privacy and integrity policies.

Sharing Audience Information with Third-parties

An important aspect of Samhub for Media is that we can facilitate a unified audience taxonomy across networks without intrusive tracking. But we also make it possible to share audience data with third parties such as ad networks without sharing personal information with them. This is what we call our ID-free Audience Export.

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