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Customize your Scorecard settings
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

The final step for the Scorecard design is to customize the Scorecard Settings to enable/disable features and functions.

The Scorecard Settings page can be found either by clicking on the 'More' button at the top right-hand corner of the Scorecard page, as below.


Or by clicking on the 'Actions' button from the Scorecard page.


Scorecard Settings allows users to enable/disable various functionalities that can optimize the scoring workflow:

1. Event Reference Mandatory

By enabling this feature, the QA score cannot be submitted without entering a reference for the interaction with the customer (ticket ID, customer reference, etc). To rule out human error, this functionality can be enabled for the scorecard.

2. Event Types Mandatory

When submitting QA score, the 'Event type' field can be made mandatory as well (more details about event types in the Advanced Scorecard Design). If you add Event types to your Scorecard, we recommend enabling this feature as well.

3. Event Duration Mandatory

Enabling this will will make the Event Duration field a mandatory value for the Evaluator when they are scoring. They will be unable to submit a QA unless this field is filled in.

4. Enable Blind Scoring

This feature hides the overall score as well as the question score from the Evaluator, to make the scoring process as objective as possible. We recommend enabling this functionality to make the evaluation process as objective as possible.

5. Fail All Results in Zero

If you have set a Fail All flag against an answer choice on your scorecard, enabling this setting will result in the overall score being reduced to 0 whenever that Fail All answer choice is selected on a QA.

6. Point of Failure Email Notification

If Fail All answers are set up, this feature will send e-mail notifications to a set list of contacts when a Fail All answer choice is selected on a QA.

7. Compliance Failure Email Notification

If you have used Compliance section questions in your scorecard, by enabling this feature a list of email contacts can be inputted. If a QA is created where one of the Compliance questions is failed, all users on the contact list will receive an email notification of this.

7. Fail Section Subtracts

If you have set a Fail Section flag against an answer choice on your scorecard, enabling this setting will result in the score for all questions in that Section being reduced to 0 whenever that Fail Section answer choice is selected on a QA. Please note this is not available within Success Rate type scorecards.

8. Custom Report Label

This allows you to create a custom label/flag that will show up in the Evaluations section of Reports (ex: Kudos, Wow moments). Once enabled you can set a flag against particular answer choices within Question Details. Using the Evaluations report you will then easily obtain a count of how many times particular answer choices were selected during QA.

9. Display on Agent Dashboard

For customers that have the Agent Insight module, this feature needs to be enabled for Employees to see their scores on their Agent Dashboard. By inputting a value for Short Label you can change the way the name of the Scorecard will be presented to the agent.

10. Display as Non-Numeric

For a Non-Numeric Scorecard, this feature needs to be enabled in order to configure the different thresholds for rating the employee’s performance.

11. Display for Self-Score

This setting makes the scorecard available to employees (agents) who can self-score.

12. Multiple Comments per Question

This will allow An Evaluator to record more than one comment against a question: both template comments and free text comments.

13. Auto populate Event Date and Time

By default when scoring, the Event Date and Time fields are auto–completed with the current date and time. If you want the ‘Event date’ field to be left blank so that your Supervisors use it to track the date and time of the Employee’s interaction with the customer, the box must be unchecked.

14. Causes Grouped by Section

If Causes were added to the Scorecard, the Causes will be grouped by section instead of by question.

15. Multiple Causes per Question

If Causes were added to the Scorecard, this will allow for an Evaluator to select multiples Causes per question. If unticked the Evaluator will be forced to isolate and select a single Cause.

16. Question Number View

This will group the Scorecard question by their question number. I you leave this unchecked the scorecard questions will be grouped by section.

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