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Getting started with Scoutpad

A quick quide on the advantages of our evaluation system and the data management.

Jonas Krüger avatar
Written by Jonas Krüger
Updated over a year ago

Scoutpad provides a special added value in the daily scouting work as well as in the player management of your team squad. This means that Scoutpad’s comprehensive service package can be of particular benefit to single scouts, scouting teams, coaches, freelancers, and academies - for both Men's and Women's football. Our system is designed to capture and convert your notes and ratings into a digital, uniformly usable form - faster and more elegant than pen and paper. It's a really time-saver!

How to rate a player

With Scoutpad you create match and player reports at the push of a button. Customize your shortcuts to provide the performance categories you need, make notes, set timestamps. Scoutpad will do the rest!

Scoutpad pushes all relevant players and match data for Men's and Women's Football

Scoutpad pushes all relevant players and match data automatically, so you don't need to do it by hand. Scoutpad provides a database of more than 400.000 players and more than 12.000 teams worldwide. It also covers huge parts of amateur competitions. Moreover, any missing team or competition can be uploaded in the system - just talk to us. And with our two workspaces, you can manage men's und women's data independently.

Scoutpad offers fast, standardized tagging

The player performance rating is straightforward with Scoutpad. With two touches on a laptop or tablet screen, you can tag a player’s action, based on a standardized selection of key indicators and events. With our quick note-taking feature it’s quite easy to note something down or search for a specific note by hashtags or smart filtering system. Read more about player monitoring and management here.

Scoutpad works on any device and platform

Scoutpad is a multi-platform system that works on any device and platform - simply within the browser. For mobile devices just use our powerful mobile version and enter to your browser. There's no additional software needed. #ToolTip And Scoutpad also uses the speech recognition of your operating system that allows to simply dictate your remarks and observations by voice command.

How to manage my data

Scoutpad provide powerful player management features. So, you can do what you can do best - Scouting, rating and developing players!

Report Management

Get a clear picture of where work stands. Across teams. Across markets. Even across departments. The structure of your reports section helps to keep your reports more organized. All reports created within your group are listed here. You can browse through all scouting reports you have access to. The main way to find a player’s scouting report is by using the search bar that allows to search for reports of relevant players and teams. The colour of the reporting button shows you the status of the report ranging from NOT STARTED to COMPLETED.

Player Detail Pages

All your subjective reports, ratings and notes will be synchronized by visual player dashboards on your personal account. This player detail page provides you a full overview of all individual evaluations and makes it even easier for you to manage your player insights and report statistics in a systematic way. Our analytics section complements your personal evaluations with automatically delivered standard statistics.

Personal Watchlists

This feature allows you to set up individual collections of players you want to follow and analyze using data built into your Scoutpad account. Watchlists provide a convenient way to "bookmark" and scroll through a number if interesting players that catch your eye, all to plan your next move in the market. Based on your plan, this feature may be restricted.

Shadow Teams

Create your own depth charts and structure your players in shadow teams. With an easy-to-use drag and drop system you are able to back-up your team depth, identify gaps in your team planning and plan your recruitment.

Customize your account

You can customize your Scoutpad account to fit your working style. Create your own custom indicators and pre-determine position-specific shortcuts as defaults. Build your own personal database by custom leagues and teams.

Group-Working in Scoutpad

Scoutpad also enables collaboration within your scouting teams. Work simultaneously on a shadow team or a watchlist and share your insights internally for discussion and decision support. The reports statistics of each scout are documented in a standardized form, which facilitates decision-making.

Where are my scouting reports stored?

Our main concern is that your data is safe and secure. Any data in your Scoutpad account is your own (not ours), your information is not accessed by anyone else or sold to anyone. For this purpose, all scouting reports are stored and encrypted in a personal database on servers in Germany by highest security standards. Each member can only access his own data, unless it’s actively shared with a group admin. We create daily backups of our redundant storage solution and never share your stored data.

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