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Can I edit the Line-up during a match?

Yes. Here's how to use Snapshots effectively

Jonas Krüger avatar
Written by Jonas Krüger
Updated over a week ago

You can still move players around on the pitch according to your preferences during a game. Use CREATE SNAPHOT to record a certain situation or any offensive/defensive tactical performance of teams and players. 

Scoutpad creates a snapshot of the current line-up, which you then can edit separately. How do teams shift when they counterattack? Does the team change formation when they are defending a lead? Snapshots help you record the different tactics teams use based on how the match is going. Below you can see a counterattack and defensive Snapshot that was created.

Each snapshot will be displayed later in the pdf. 

Note: Adjusting your Snapshots won't change the default lineup that you selected. You can save four snapshots of a match at the same time.

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