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What’s a share transfer?
What’s a share transfer?

Find out about share transfers, including what exchanges you can transfer shares from, and what you can transfer out.

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Written by Sharesies Help
Updated over 7 months ago

Transfer in

You can transfer the shares you own in companies and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from the following exchanges into Sharesies:

  • New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX)

  • Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

  • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

  • Nasdaq

  • Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)

To transfer shares into Sharesies, we don’t charge a fee.

When you transfer investments into Sharesies, you still own the investments. Sharesies Nominee Limited is used to hold your money and investments on bare trust for you.

Once the transferred shares are in your Portfolio, you can view, buy, and sell them all in one place. We'll take care of some of the admin for you—like organising dividend payments, and facilitating some corporate actions for you.

Transfer out

To transfer NZX-listed shares out of Sharesies, you’ll need a Common Shareholder Number. If you don’t already have one of these, we may be able to create one for you if you reach out to

For US shares, you’ll need an account with a broker or platform other than Sharesies that allows US share transfers.

For ASX-listed shares, you’ll need a Shareholder Reference Number or Holder Identification Number (HIN). If you don’t already have an SRN, one can be created for you as part of the transfer process.

A share transfer fee applies for share transfers out of Sharesies.

Transfer between

On request, we can transfer shares from one Sharesies account to another Sharesies account, if both accounts are based in New Zealand and meet a set of compliance requirements. We can’t transfer managed fund units between Sharesies accounts, transfer shares from an NZ Sharesies account to an AU Sharesies account (or vice versa), or transfer money between Sharesies accounts. A fee applies for these share transfers.

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