You’ll need to exchange money into the investment’s local currency to place an order—for example, Australian dollars (AUD) for Australian investments.
We’ll always try to use the investment’s local currency you hold in your Wallet first. For example: we’ll place an order using any AUD in your Wallet for Australian shares.
We’ll try to exchange money using other currencies you hold in your Wallet if you don’t have enough money in the right currency to place the order.
You’ll need to top up your Wallet if you don’t have enough money to complete the exchange.
Here’s how it works:
If you have enough money in the investment’s local currency
You’ll see a confirmation screen. Check your order details, and any fees that will apply. Confirm your order. If the exchange rate moves more than 0.2% up or down while you’re on the confirmation screen, you’ll see an error and you’ll have to request an exchange again.
If you don’t have enough money in the investment’s local currency
We’ll exchange money from your home currency (New Zealand dollars (NZD)) available in your Wallet.
If you don’t have enough money in either the local or home currency to place an order
We’ll try to exchange money from any of the remaining currencies in your Wallet.
Any questions, message the team at