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Dark mode

Turn on dark mode for the Sharesies mobile or desktop apps.

Sharesies Help avatar
Written by Sharesies Help
Updated over 5 months ago

Dark mode is intended to make screen time easier on the eyes, and it’s great for using Sharesies late at night or in low-light environments.

Sharesies dark mode will automatically activate based on the settings you’ve enabled on your device, so you’ll need to turn on dark mode at the device level (mobile, desktop, or tablet). This works a bit differently depending on your device type and operating system.

Or, if you’d like Sharesies to show a different display mode to the one you have active at device level, you can also toggle dark mode on or off within the Sharesies app.

In the mobile app

In the Sharesies mobile app, navigate to Settings and select Appearance.

Then, select light mode or dark mode, whichever you prefer.

This setting will now apply to the Sharesies app, no matter what mode your device is in.

At device level

First off, make sure you've updated the Sharesies app to the latest version (through the App Store or Google Play).

Then, find your device type and its dark mode activation guide below.


Google’s guide to turning on Dark theme on an Android device.


Microsoft’s guide to activating Dark mode for Windows 10 or 11.


The Apple Support guide to turning on Dark Mode for Mac or for iPhone, and even switching automatically between light and dark depending on the time of day.

Once you’ve successfully followed these directions for your chosen device/operating system, Sharesies will display in dark mode (along with any other dark mode-enabled apps).

Enjoy the darkness!

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