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Transaction status

In this support article we explain every transaction status.

Updated over 5 months ago

Each transaction can only be created once. After that, it can no longer be modified or restarted. The diagram below shows the path a transaction can take.

Figure 1 – A transaction and the possible statuses.   

Transactions are linear processes, and once they have arrived at status 30-70, they can no longer be modified. After some time, most of the transaction data will be deleted from the Signhost servers (according to the settings), making it impossible to retrieve old data or documents from the server.

Notes on the various status headings

Status 10 : Waiting for signer

This is the most common transaction status, and will be shown if at least 1 signatory has not yet signed. If you would like to know whether the invitation e-mail has been sent, or which signatory('s) still need to sign, see Transaction Details.

Status 20 : In Progress

Whenever the Signhost server needs to process the transaction, the status will briefly change to ‘In Progress’. Although this is usually extremely fast, occasionally a transaction will remain on status 20 for longer due to server traffic or a transaction error. If the status is ‘In Progress’ for more than 5 minutes, something is wrong with the transaction. Please contact us via chat.

Status 30 : Signed

The transaction has been completed successfully and the document has been signed. Both the document(s) and the transaction receipt can be downloaded using the link from the e-mail sent to the participants, or via the Transaction Details in the portal.

Status 40 : Rejected

Signatories who disagree with the transaction can choose to reject it. Their reason for doing so will be included as part of the notification e-mail, and can also be retrieved from the Transaction Details.

Status 50 : Expired

If a transaction remains open beyond the set deadline, the status will automatically switch to ‘Expired’.  Currently no notification e-mail is sent for expired transactions, we are working to rectify this. 

Status 60 : Withdrawn

The transaction can also be withdrawn by the user of the web portal. The ‘Withdraw transaction’ button is located under ‘Details’ (the round blue button to the right of the transaction in ‘Open Transactions’). 

Status 70 : Failed

Transactions can sometimes fail due to a server error. These errors are often technical in nature, and so a notification will also be sent to the technical and/or other e-mail address(es). This is where information on the error can be found.

Our support team is happy to assist you via chat or via

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