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Evidos app
Getting started with the Evidos App!
Getting started with the Evidos App!

Evidos App

Updated over a week ago

We recently moved to a new product name: Signhost. The app is currently still in the old style and uses our former product name: Evidos.

Our application is available for iOS 12.1 and up or Andriod 7.0 and up.


  1. Open the App Store app on your iPhone, iPad and/or iPad Touch;

  2. Search for Evidos;

  3. Tap the 'Download' button.


  1. Open the Google Play app on your Smartphone and/or Tablet.

  2. Search for Evidos;

  3. Tap the 'Install' button.

Logging in

To use the Evidos app, you need an account at Signhost. To use the app you need to create a usertoken in the Signhost web portal.

If you already have a Signhost account, tap the "Login" button. You can log into the app using your usertoken.

Do you not have an account yet? Create a free Go account on our website or choose the "Create account" button. Fill in your details in the screen below, then an account will be created for you.

After creating your Signhost account or after choosing to log in to an existing Signhost account, you will be asked to enter the usertoken.

After entering your usertoken, select the "Log in" button. You will then be directed to the screen where you can create a new transaction in the app.

Want to know more about using the app? Then read our article here where we go into further detail about the different features in the app.

Our support team is happy to assist you via chat or via

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