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Granite Easy Refi Loanapp V2 submissions

Granite has a great Easy Refi Loanapp that requires less data than a full loan application, if your application meets certain criteria

Kate Gubbins avatar
Written by Kate Gubbins
Updated over a week ago

If you have a Refinance where:

  • your applicants are refinancing dollar-for-dollar (no increase) AND

  • the repayments on the new Granite mortgage will be less than their existing mortgage

Then you can choose the Easy Refi Journey, which requires less data and fewer supporting docs - submissions and approvals are faster and easier 🤩

You are able to submit an Easy Refi Application to Granite for both regular applicants and for SMSF applications.

This article gives you a run-through of the Loanapp experience for Granite Easy Refi.

When you launch Loanapp, and/or click NEW, you will be given journey options. If you have an application that meets the Easy Refi criteria, select "Start New Easy Refi":

This will launch you into the Easy Refi journey. Please read through this article to understand the general experience for both you and your applicants.

The Setup Page

The first page in Loanapp is the Setup Page - this is where you enter all the high-level detail about the application, and also add in your Applicants. On the side is a menu which allows you to click through to other sections in the application:

A key item that will be auto-ticked when you have chosen the Easy Refi journey is the Easy Refinance "attribute", which will be defaulted to YES. This then ensures the dataset you have in Loanapp is the cut-down Easy Refi data required for your submission:

If you are submitting an Easy Refi SMSF, you will also want to ensure the SMSF Attribute is toggled to Yes:

A key section in the Setup is your Applicants section, where you add your applicants. As you add applicants, you will find that your side menu expands with new pages for each:

If you are submitting an SMSF application, you will need to ensure you add all the required entities (Trust/s, Companies, Guarantor Applicants). For a run through of the general way to Setup SMSF Applicants, please click here.

When you have completed your Setup page, click through to the Applicants Page, which captures all the relevant Applicant details such as DOB, Contact details, Residency Status, Employment, Proof of ID:

Digital Services

The Granite Loanapp has some digital services built into it, which you can use when creating your application submission. The digital services that are available are:

  • Digital Consent

  • Digital Verification of Identity

  • Bureau Check

  • Valuations

  • Docusign (on your Application Forms)

Note that you can continue working on your application while waiting for your Applicants to complete any digital services.

Digital Consent

The Digital Consent is a convenient method for your applicant/s to confirm their Privacy consent for the sharing of their data in order for Granite to fulfil assessment activities.

The Digital Consent widget is found on the Applicants page, and will be triggered when you have completed all the Applicants personal details, and you click away from the Applicants page (eg continue to the Financial Position page):

For a full run through for Digital Consent workflow and what your Applicants can expect, please click here.

When your applicant's have completed the digital consent, you will be notified by email; and the status on screen will update to Completed.

Digital Verification of Identity

The Digital Verification of Identity is a service that you can use in the Granite Loanapp to verify your Applicant's identity.

The Digital ID Verification widget is found at the bottom of the Applicants page. This service will automatically be sent to your Applicant/s when they have finalised the Digital Consent. (You will get an email when they have completed the consent).

Once you have requested the service, the Widget will send the request to your applicant/s. For a full run through of the Digital Verification of Identity Service, the experience for your Applicant/s, and what happens in Loanapp, click here.

✅Once the Digital VOI is completed by your applicants, you will receive an email notification; and the status on screen will update to Completed. You will also be able to download and review the VOI report for your applicants.

Financial Position

When you have completed your Applicant details, you are able to then complete their Financial Position.

Note that for the Easy Refi, you are not required to complete the Living Expenses section; and there is still no need to enter employment income:

The Granite Loanapp incorporates a Credit Bureau check, which happens 'behind the scenes' as soon as your applicants have completed their digital consent:

Once completed, you will have access to the Bureau report by clicking the details button in the digital widget:

✅This is handy, as you can double check you have included all their liabilities in your application data. For more details on the Credit Bureau service, click here.

The Security Property must be existing (a refinance)

As this is an Easy Refi journey, the Security Property must be an existing property, to be refinanced. For the property you are refinancing, you need to make sure it is a Transaction type of "Owns Existing Mortgage"; and that there is a linked Mortgage liability:

The linked Mortgage Liability must then have

  • clearing balance on settlement = YES

  • clearing from this loan = YES

Order a Valuation

The Granite Loanapp allows you to order a valuation for your security property. The valuation service has logic that will determine if the security property can be valued via an AVM (instant) or require a desktop/full valuation.

The Valuation service is found on the Loan screen, below where you have filled in the details of your Security property (which will have populated from your Financial Position):

When the Valuation is completed, the Valuation report will be sent to supporting documents, ready for you to view/attach to the supporting docs checklist.

For a run through of the Valuation ordering service in Loanapp, click here.

Selecting your Product

Loanapp is powered by a Products Engine that can be updated at any time by Granite. This means that the Products, Rates, Fees and product features will always be correct in Loanapp.

You will select your Product (or Products) in the Loan section:

Note that Loanapp has some great functionality that filters the products so that they match the data that you have entered into the application. eg if you select Interest Type: Variable and Payment Type: P&I - you will only get product variations with these features.

If you don't see the product you are will most likely be because your data needs to be reviewed.

For more information on Product Filtering, please click here.

Loan Fees

The Loan Fees for each product will be set by Granite, and come through to the interface. You will note the amounts are set to $0:

This allows you to update with actual known Fees. If any are not required (eg LMI) - you can delete the fee line altogether. If you don't know what the fee amount is, leave as $0 as Granite will update.


The Easy Refi journey runs policy rules, rather than serviceability, to ensure that your applicant is eligible. (eg new loan amount is =< existing loan amount).

If you pass the eligibility, you are looking very good for full approval 😁

The Compliance Section

The Compliance section is a set of 'interview' questions that capture more information about your Applicant/s understanding of their application, preferences, retirement plans and other important compliance details.

Note that most of this section is mandatory and must be completed in order to submit.

Note also that the Refinance Reasons in the Borrower Interview must all be ticked (confirmed) - as this is a requirement of the Easy Refi policy

The Summary Page

The Summary Page captures all of your application data on one page for quick review. If you notice anything that needs to be updated, an edit button on each section clicks you back through to the relevant area so that you can update the detail:

Documents (Print Forms)

The next section will present to you any Application or Print Forms that are available to generate for your application. Print Forms can have conditional logic set on them so that they only appear when required. When you first get to this page, the documents will be listed but not yet generated:

You are able to generate and download each of these forms by clicking the Generate Documents button, which will generate the documents and make them available to view and download.

You can then either use eSign for your applications to digitally sign the forms, or get wet signatures. For more detail on eSign, click here.

Generate Supporting Documents Checklist

The final section is the Submission section. You will note at the bottom of the page 2 action buttons: Generate Documents Checklist and Proceed (submit).

Granite requires you to generate and finalise your supporting documents checklist before Submitting your app.

Generate Document Checklist

Click the first button, "Generate Document Checklist".

This button will generate your supporting documents checklist on a new tab. The supporting documents checklist will be on the left, and you will upload your documents on the right, to then drag across to the checklist items on the left:

For a full run through of the supporting documents functionality, please click here.

Proceed (Submit Application)

When you are ready (completed the application and attached all your supporting docs) - you can submit the application to Granite.

Note that if you have not at least attached and satisfied all the mandatory supporting documents, you will not be able to finalise the Submit:

When you have satisfied the supporting documents requirements and press the submit button, Loanapp will package up your application and submit it into Granite's assessment queue, and you will see the final page in Loanapp that confirms successful submission:

After you have submitted

Once you have submitted, if you open your Loanapp again you will note that you can view all of the sections but they are now not able to be edited.

Simpology Manager

As a broker partner of Granite, you are able to log in to their "Simpology Manager" at any time to check on the status of your deal. (You will get an invite, your login will be your email, and you will need to set a password).

When you login, you will land on the Application Grid which is your doorway back into the application; and also receives the Backchannel messages from Origin, the funder of Granite.

For your submitted application, you can see the status, and have some controls to re-open Loanapp, and check on assessment status:

You can also click through to the Supporting documents and Information Request sections, which can be useful if you want to work in these sections without opening Loanapp.

You might get a request from assessors for more information

Granite assessment is completed in the Simpology Assessment Module. This has the Info Request functionality, and an assessor may send you a Missing Information Request while they are assessing your deal.

If an Info Request is sent to you, you will receive an email invite from Granite, asking you to login and review what has been requested:

When you login with your Simpology Manager credentials, you will see the request waiting for you:

📱 💻 🖥️ Note that you can login in to Info Request on any device

If you click on the Info Request, you will see what has been requested:

and be able to upload document/s and add comments:

Once you click Submit, the documents will be sent straight back to the assessor in their assessment workflow.

Need help? Click Live Chat

If you need help while you are working on your Loanapp, remember you are able to click Live Chat to get help at any time by clicking the button the bottom right corner:

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