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Create a Trip
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago

Sion allows you to create trips to organize and group bookings together. There are two ways to create a trip, from within a booking or from within the Trips tab. See the directions for both below.

Create a Trip in the Booking Window

When you are manually creating a booking or are editing a booking there is the option to make a booking part of a trip.

Toggle the Part of Trip switch at the bottom of the Basic tab.

Click the Trip tab.

This opens the Trip window where you can fill out the relevant fields. You can jump to the section describing the fields here.

Create a Trip in the Trip Tab

When you first log into Sion, you’re on the Bookings page. Click the Trips tab above the queue.

In the top right, click Add Trip. This opens the Trip window. The Basic tab of the window is described in the section below.

Trip Fields

Fill out the following fields in the Basic tab for the new Trip:

  • Trip Name - The name of a trip in the system. This is important for using the search feature.

  • Dates - Use the calendar to select the start and end dates of the trip.

  • Type - The kind of trip being taken.

  • Currency - Choose which currency you want to see the total of the trip in.

  • Budget - Amount the client(s) are willing to spend on their trip.

  • IATA # - Select the appropriate agency for the trip.

  • Tags - Enter any necessary tags. See the article here on trip tags.

  • Notes - Enter any necessary notes. See the article here on notes.

  • Add a Traveler - Type a client’s name and select them from the dropdown to attach them to a trip. To create a new traveler, simply type in the traveler name and hit Enter.

When you create a trip, you can also attach bookings. See the article here on attaching bookings to a trip.

When you’re done, make sure to click the Save option in the bottom right.

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