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Contact Details

Display address, hours, map, and other restaurant details. Get your customers to leave feedback.

Updated over a week ago

Step 1 - Update Your Restaurant Profile

Aside from the restaurant's address and contact phone information, you can also add additional details such as Operating Hours, Attire, Dining Options (eg. Delivery, Table Service, Takeout, etc.)

Step 2 - Add the "Contact Details" section block to the page

On the page you're working on, click "Add section" then add "Contact Details"

Step 3 - Background (not available for some themes)

Upload a background for this section and adjust the transparency of the image. Increasing the transparency makes the image darker. 

  • To remove the background check off the "no background image" box 

  • To center the title, check of the "Center Title" box

Step 4 - Enter Heading Title & Description

  • Heading - enter a title for the section

  • Description - enter a short description about the section

Step 5 - Add Contact Elements

By default some contact elements may be already installed in the theme you're using. Click "Add Block" to add a contact element to the section. 


  • Contains the address, phone, feedback button, and reserve button

  • Displaying the phone is optional, uncheck to hide it




Step 6 - Re-Arrange the Order of Blocks

Drag and drop the block in the order you want them to be displayed on the page. 

Step 7 - Don't forget to save your work!

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