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Job Application Page

Learn how to set-up Sociavore's built-in hiring feature where you can post available jobs, accept and manage application submissions

Updated over a week ago

Step 1 - Access the Hiring Dashboard

Click [Store] from the left side menu, then click the Hiring button.

Step 2 - Create a Job

Click the [Create a Job] button and enter details about the job.

If you're using a 3rd party application system, you can enter the URL and have the application process redirected to that instead.

Ensure to assign a team member is notified when someone applies for the job.

Once it's finished, you can click [Create Job] at the bottom.

Step 3 - Save and switch on the post to make it visible on the website.

Step 4 - Access Your Pages Dashboard

To show the job listing on your website, click the "Website" Tab on the side menu to see the Pages Dashboard.

Step 5 - Add a Jobs Page

Click the [Add Page] button, then select [Jobs Page] from the template options on the pop-up window.

Step 6 - Give Your Page a Name

Enter a page name, then click [OK]

Step 7 - Customize the Page

The new page is added at the bottom of the Footer Navigation section. In this example, the page's name is Careers. Click the [customize page] icon to open the page editor.

Click the [Jobs list] section to customize the look and feel of your page. Don't forget to save it!

Step 5 - Make The Page Visible on the Website

To display the page on the website's navigation menu, select [Public] from the dropdown.

The order of the pages on the Pages Dashboard is how it will be displayed on the website. This page is set to show on the footer's navigation, but you can drag and drop the pages to re-arrange the order to move them to the main navigation or call to action.

Step 6 - Manage Applications

Applications submitted can be found on the Applicants Tab on the Hiring Dashboard.

Click the 3-dot icon, then select [Manage] to open the application to change / update the status of the application.

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