Step 1 - Select a Delivery Schedule.
Go to the Menus Dashboard, then select "Delivery Schedules"
Select a delivery schedule.
*If you haven’t created any delivery schedules yet, refer to this article.
Step 2 - Select a Delivery Zone.
Select the delivery zone where you'd like to set up driver email notifications.
Step 3 - Select "We'll use our own in-house drivers"
Note: Driver email notification is only applicable if you use your in-house drivers to manage deliveries.
Step 4 - Select “Send an email automatically with delivery details.”
Type the email address where you want the delivery notifications to be sent.
If you have multiple delivery zones, you can set a specific email address for each one.
Step 4 - Select “Add driver pickup instructions.”
You can type specific instructions such as the nearest landmark or where to go.
Don’t forget to save the changes you made.
Step 5 - Check the box if you don't want to allow specific time selection.
Upon checkout, a message like this will be sent to the email address you set: