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Sociavore x Klaviyo Integration Overview for Restaurant Owners
Sociavore x Klaviyo Integration Overview for Restaurant Owners
Updated over a year ago

Welcome, restaurant owner! If you're curious about how the Sociavore and Klaviyo integration works, here's a simplified breakdown for you.

  1. Data Events from Sociavore:

    • Placed Order Event: This happens every time a customer places an order via Sociavore. The data captured includes:

      • Product Details: Information about purchased items.

      • Order Details: This can be used for subsequent communications.

      • Criteria you can use to target/filter "Placed Order" events:

        • Order Value: Including fees and discounts.

        • Brand Name: The name of your restaurant.

        • Client Platform: Platform used for the order like Web or MobileWeb.

        • Fulfillment Method: How the order is received, like pickup or delivery.

        • Item Count: Number of items in the order.

        • Item Names: The products ordered.

        • Items' Details: Name, description, quantity, price, and image URL of each item.

        • Order ID: A unique ID for every order.

        • Shop ID: Your restaurantā€™s specific store reference.

        • Location ID: Your restaurant's specific location ID.

    • Newsletter Subscription: When a customer subscribes (either via direct signup or during checkout), their action is recorded in Klaviyo as a "Subscribed to List" event.

    • SMS Marketing Subscription: When a customer subscribes during checkout, their action is recorded in Klaviyo as a "Subscribed to List" event.

  2. Syncing of Guest Data:

    • Klaviyo doesn't just track events; it creates unique profiles for each customer synced from Sociavore.

    • When a customer's data is synced, Klaviyo might add specific custom properties to their profile, which can be used for targeted communications.

    • Properties Automatically Synced:

      • Built-in fields: Email, First & Last Name, Phone Number from Sociavore.

      • Sociavore Customer Indicator: A flag showing the profile exists in Sociavore.

The beauty of this integration is that it allows you to deeply understand your customers' behavior and preferences, enabling you to communicate more effectively with them.

Now, with your Sociavore data seamlessly integrating into Klaviyo, you're all set to elevate your restaurant's marketing game. Cheers to more personalized and effective communications!

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