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Users & Roles

Access levels and roles explained

Gareth Dooner avatar
Written by Gareth Dooner
Updated over a week ago

Users & Roles

Users within SocioConnect will be sorted into one of three roles, we refer to these as HQ User, Marketer, and Local User.

As you'll see below, these roles have typical structures to start out, but can be customised to best fit the needs of your team.

If ever in doubt about what you team can access and view, or if you wish to adjust how access levels work on your venue, just let you Support team know and we'll take care of it together.

Headquarters User

HQ Users can access and interact with all aspects of their Venues within SocioConnect.

One ability unique to HQ Users is inviting Local Users directly to their Venue; learn how here: Location Users ๐Ÿ‘ค


Marketer is the most flexible role within SocioConnect; a marketer can do everything a HQ user can, however if features like messaging or analytics aren't needed for the Marketer's day-to-day, they can be trimmed to simplify things.

There's also the option for marketers to compose and schedule posts, but send them to HQ users for approval or comment before the content can become live, click to learn more about Reviews & Approvals

Local User

Local users have a more focused view; they usually operate on only one location at a time, but can also have multiple locations.

Like Marketers, Local Users will only view and post to the select locations they have access to - but because of their more focused workflow won't see Advanced Posting options, like the ability to Suggest content.

The typical Local User will manage one location, schedule their own posts, as well as receive content from the HQ team in the form of automatic or suggested posts, content ideas.

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