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Sync your brand's location details with GoogleMyBusiness and Facebook

Gareth Dooner avatar
Written by Gareth Dooner
Updated over 7 months ago


Locations are how you will organise your social media channels within SocioConnect.

Three social media pages, a Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for instance, all representing the same physical location, will be linked together within SocioConnect into what we call a Location.

This Location is then where you can hold personalised information all in once space, invite and manage local level users, sync info like opening hours and addresses directly to social media pages, and more.

Locations are found in the Venue Profile tab in SocioConnect, and viewing and editing them is easily done; simply search for the location you want, click it once to expand and view, or click the icon to edit.

Personalised Information

Updating details in the Information section of Locations might seem like an unimportant step, but this information will be used when creating posts to personalise your content, so try to make sure it's as up-to-date as possible.

Learn more about Post Personalisation HERE

The information points you can upload are:

Unique ID

Unique IDs are just for use inside Socio, and won't be visible to your page's audience anywhere; they help you and your other team or brand members identify your location, even though it may have similar or identical Location Names to other branches.

Location Name

Your location's name as it will be displayed within SocioConnect, and also to your audience when personalising posts.

Although within your brand or organisation you might be know as "242 - Southwestern Office 5", if you want the public to know you as "John's Local Shop" or "SocioLocal Grafton Street", make sure to use the public facing name here; internal IDs can be used in the Unique ID field detailed above.

Phone Number

This will be the phone number you may want appearing directly to the public/your audience, on posts themselves or list on your social pages, so best to use a monitored front of house number.

Opening Hours

The times and days your business is open - be mindful that when Syncing this data these times will become public on your social media channels, you don't want potential customers thinking you're closed at the wrong times.


The address you would like to be publicly listed for your location; important for helping customers find your business, but also needed for services like Meta when doing paid advertising, so try to be as accurate as possible.

Logo Logo

Here you can store a logo image for your brand as a whole or your individual location - this can later be used during post personalisation to make an image feel custom and personal, even though the same post might be going out for many locations.

Location Photo

Location photo is a more free form place, somewhere you can hold a useful location-specific image you might be coming back to from time to time, such as the exterior of your premises.

Information Syncing

The information points you've entered for your location can be sent to synchronise with your Facebook and GoogleMyBusiness pages, saving you the trouble of managing the same details across multiple sites.

When ready to Sync, click the button within the location editing screen.

Creating A New Location

If you're a location user, meaning you only operate on one or a few locations, you won't need to worry about making creating new ones; just let your contact at your brand headquarters know you want to add a new location and they will take it from there (if you're unsure who to speak to, feel free to ask our SUPPORT team).

As a headquarters user, creating new locations is an easy process, simply click the button to get started.

You will then be asked to fill in the location specific details, as listed in this article, assign users, and attach channels.


Users added directly to locations will restricted to posting, reporting, and other features on these locations only. In this way you can invite a local user to one location in particular and know they won't have access to accidentally post on or view reports for, etc, other locations.

Just type a display name for them, enter their email address (as below) and press Add User, they will then receive an email invitation to set their password and get started with Socio.

If the user you want to add already has access to other locations, you won't need the invitation step - instead click Select A New User From The List, and pick the person you want to add, they need then only refresh their screen/app to gain access to this new location.


Locations aren't much use if you don't have social media channels connected to them.

A location may have one social media channel from each network connected to it at a time.

When editing or creating a location, the Channels tab will give you the ability to Add a new channel, this drop down menu will let you select from any channels connected already to your venue that haven't been assigned to locations.

If you haven't already, learn how to Connect Your Channels by clicking HERE

Uploading Locations In Bulk

If you have lots of locations to add, let the Socio Support team help you out - send us a .csv file (a spread sheet/excel works fine too) to and we'll set them up for you.

We'll need columns like those below, for Unique ID and Location Name - as well as user names and email addresses if you would also like local level users invited to these locations.

Unique ID

Location Name

User Name

User Email


Socio Dublin

Gareth (Dublin)


Socio London

Kate (London)


Socio Paris

Dan (Paris)

If you have any other details, like location phone numbers, addresses, etc, feel free to include columns for those and we'll upload too if possible.

To help you get started, here's an example .csv file template you can download, fill out, and send our way.

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